Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 12 - The Gungan General - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 12 - The Gungan General

"Fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud."


Switching the spiked drinks doesn't seem to have helped Obi-Wan and Anakin because they find themselves trapped in a cell with Dooku, all three tied together.

Pirates being who they are, some of Hondo's underlings plan to double-cross him by intercepting the Republic ship coming with the spice as payment. They manage to get the Republic ship to crash, but while the senator dies, Representative Jar Jar and the clone troopers survive.

When I first saw Hondo's ship and the smaller transport ships, they all looked like just the saucer section of the Enterprise-D. Weird.

Obi-Wan mind influences their guard to unlock their cell and then leave. Works on the weak-minded.

When the traitors come to get the spice, they also attack Jar Jar and the troopers. He says they should hide in the crater, and if they watch the beasties, they'll know when it's about to blow, so they know when to get out. Smart!

Hey, that's not Ahmed Best. Sometimes it sounds like him, but other times, definitely not.

How are they supposed to catch up to the traitors? By riding the beasties, of course. I'd figured that out, but I find it a little hard to believe that the beasties are faster than the speeders.

Dooku escapes. Again. Hondo is dumb-founded that Obi-Wan and the Republic are just going to leave, with no repercussions to him and his crew, despite what they did to and were going to do to Obi-Wan and Anakin. But Obi-Wan warns that Dooku is not as forgiving, and he knows what planet Hondo and his crew are on. Time to pack up and find a new planet, boys.

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