Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 11 - Dooku Captured - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 11 - Dooku Captured

"The winding path to peace is always a worthy one, regardless of how many turns it takes."


OK, that "fortune cookie saying" was really cheesy.

Anakin went looking for Dooku, but then he went radio-silent, so Obi-Wan went looking for him. The Separatist ship is a trap for Anakin to be captured - Obi-Wan told him not to bring his lightsabre. That should be a clue, right? A Jedi should always have their lightsabre with them?

Oh, that chute escape looks like a fun ride. Dooku escapes. I feel like Dooku and Ventress and Grievous are always escaping.

But now they're all crashed on a planet.

Obi-Wan and Anakin are wandering around inside caves looking for Dooku, but he traps them inside instead.

Hondo Ohnaka! Wow! Fans of this show must have lost their minds when they saw him "in real life" at Smugglers Run in Black Spire Outpost. Nice that they got Jim Cummings to voice him on the ride too.

He's head of a pirate group here. Much more menacing here than on the ride, obviously.

Obi-Wan and Anakin are attacked by some creature (gundark) in the cave, and they lament that they don't have lightsabres to defend themselves. Dudes, you're Jedi. You have abilities. Force push it to keep it away from you or into a wall. Throw rocks at it or something. And then they do in fact throw giant rocks at it. See? That's what Jedi do, throw rocks.

Hondo agrees to take Dooku to the nearest inhabited planet, which happens to be where Hondo's base is. And Hondo knows who Dooku is, and his henchman are enough to outnumber and contain Dooku, while Hondo takes his lightsabre and decides who and how much to ransom him for.

Ahsoka and her team rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin but they brush it off. Dudes, just say thank you.

Hondo first offers Dooku to the Republic because he figures they won't just send gunships to attack and then take Dooku back, like he expects the Separatists would. Obi-Wan and Anakin are tasked with going to Hondo (unarmed - without lightsabres again?) and making sure that he does indeed have Dooku before the Republic agrees to pay the ransom. Wait, the Republic agrees to pay the ransom in spice? Isn't spice basically a drug? That would be like paying ransom in cocaine or meth. I get that's what Hondo wants but that just seems weird for the Republic to agree to.

It all goes well until Hondo *insists* on a celebration reception. Of course, their drinks are spiked, but they manage to switch their spiked drinks with others.

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