Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 13 - Jedi Crash - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 13 - Jedi Crash

"Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil."


Umm, you're talking about Anakin's descent to the Dark Side, right? No. Not yet? OK.

Anakin and Ahsoka are sent to help out Jedi General Aayla Secura in her battle with Separatist troops.

Those droids can just fly through the air and land on the Republic ships? Well, that's concerning. Droid in charge tells a battle droid to destroy the entire ship, but when the battle droid protests that many of their own droids are still on it, supervisor droid doesn't care. Because droids are expendable. Like clones...

Anakin saves the group by Force pushing them to safety and then closing the blast door (that was really cool), but then he gets the brunt of an explosion that severely injures him. Ahsoka and Secura go back in to retrieve him.

Their escape ship tries to dock with the bigger ship, but somehow, the hyperdrive is engaged and can't be disengaged, so rather than rip the bigger ship apart, the escape ship separates from the bigger ship before it's forced into hyperspace. Hmmm, ram one ship into another by going into hyperspace. I feel like that gets used in a later film by a Vice Admiral...

Their hyperdrive route is supposed to take them directly into a star, but they manage to disable it in time to avoid it and crash land on a planet instead. So many planets in the Outer Rim.

Those giant four-legged eagle things are scary. Awww, it kills two of the clone troopers. Secura, Ahsoka, a badly-injured Anakin and two troopers are left alive. They encounter the inhabitants of the planet, who are pacificists and came to this planet to get away from the Republic / Separatist conflict. The leader wants nothing to do with them, but when Ahsoka begs for their help for Anakin, the leader can't say no and sends his son, Wag Too, the healer, to help Anakin.

Cute that Wag Too and his people travel by rolling like the droideka.

As Rex is guarding hurt Anakin, the eagle-things attack. They manage to kill a few of them before Ahsoka and the gang arrive. Wag Too doesn't want to kill the creature and instead ties up its feet to neutralize it.

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