Sunday, June 18, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 10 - Lair of Grievous - June 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 10 - Lair of Grievous

"Most powerful is he who controls his own power."

Jedi Kit Fisto is tracking Gunray.  Hmm, that name sounds vaguely familiar.  But he falls into Dooku's trap.

Grievous was cut in half during a battle, but he returns to his lair, where he has a droid who can fix him.  The repair droid sure has an attitude and seems to be the only thing that can talk that way to Grievous.

There's a mechanical creature that fights Kit Fisto, a former padawan of his and a trooper, and the trooper dies, which sends the former-padawan into a rage.

Dooku had let the Jedi into Grievous' lair as a test to Grievous, and when Grievous figures that out, he is not happy.  The Separatists all turn on each other at some point or another, it seems.

Kit Fisto's former padawan takes on Grievous, trying to avenge the troopers death, but he falls to Grievous instead.  Fisto manages to escape though.

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