Monday, August 11, 2008

I resemble that remark - sort of

Someone sent me a link to this New Yorker cartoon. No surprise as to why, huh? ;)

I do have to say that I've never actually ordered in that fashion, although I have pointed it out to a server at more than one restaurant when I've noticed a typo on the menu. In one of those cases, the server ended up bringing it to management's attention, and the laminated dessert menu was actually corrected. There's been another occasion when I ended up notifying the owner of a group of restaurants about an error in the spelling of one of the restaurant names on a document, which was then corrected, but that's a story I won't repeat in writing.

And then there's a favorite restaurant where they seem to like to use quotation marks for the oddest things on a special menu, and during one particular dinner, it was actually brought up to the special guest of that dinner. On another occasion, it turned out that the odd usage of the quotation marks ended up being correct. Maybe I'll tell that full story on another blog post sometime.

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny! I have never had the nerve to say anything at a restaurant, but I am so sick of seeing so many errors ALL over the place. I wonder who in the HELL "edits" the newspapers we read around here. It makes me crazy - and this gives me an idea. I think I will start collecting them, and post about them on my blog - you know, title the post "Things That Drive Me Crazy", or something like that!
