Sunday, August 10, 2008

Whatchutalkin' bout, Willis?

Gary Coleman seems to be in the news a lot considering he hasn't done anything really worth mentioning in quite some time. But I suppose it's really just the train-wreck quality of his life that garners attention. I heard a story about a week or two ago that he was going to try his hand at baseball. Ummm, ok. But then I heard that it was going to be similar to Billy Crystal's prior experience with the New York Yankees in that it was going to be a one-day-contract kind of thing, but at least in Billy Crystal's case, it was for the Yankees, and love 'em or hate 'em, their standing and place in baseball history cannot be denied, and Billy Crystal has been a huge, long-time Yankees fan, so this was the thrill of a lifetime for him. In Gary Coleman's case though, he was playing with the Madison Mallards, who are members of a summer collegiate baseball league. Yeah, I know, you were probably thinking he was going to play with a Little League team instead. In addition, it looks like it was supposed to be some kind of publicity stunt, both for Coleman and the Mallards, who are a dismal 12-21 in the second half of their season.

But the outing didn't quite turn out as they both probably expected since Coleman never actually registered an at bat. Here's a story with details of what happened.

At least the Mallards won that game, but my question is, who the hell is paying $20 for Coleman's autograph?

Oh, and by the way, Gary Coleman (pictured on the left below) should not be confused with Gary Cole (pictured on the right below).

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