Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wall-E - more toys and cutest videos ever

Yeah, OK, so it's been almost two months since "Wall-E" came out, and I'm apparently still obsessed with the movie and all the toys. We finally had a chance to see the movie again this past weekend, and I still had the best time.

We had to drop by a Toys R Us anyway to look for some Star Wars toys that were supposed to have been released this weekend (we didn't find them), but we did find the ever elusive Space Adventure Wall-E toy, which is listed on Thinkway Toys' website in the Wall-E toys section.

The husband has been wanting this since we first saw it on the website. I think the only thing left that we're waiting for that's shown on Thinkway Toys' page is the electronic truck play set, which I can't seem to find any release information on.

Oh, and I had mentioned previously that we'd only seen InterAction Eve at Disneyland, and that was some time ago, and we've not seen her anywhere since. Well, we came across two boxes of her at Toys R Us - maybe they've finally started to make more?

So a friend had told me a week or so ago that the Disney Store had gotten more Wall-E toys in. When I'd been in a store a while ago, they didn't have much stuff, other than some cute t-shirts, one of which I bought for myself. So I finally got around to visiting a Disney Store on Monday, and oh my goodness - they had Disney Store exclusives that I hadn't even heard about. They had three smaller figures (of Wall-E, Eve and M.O.), but I wasn't interested in those. The ones I was interested in were the remote control Wall-E and Eve figures, different from all the other ones I've seen or heard of. Or have.

By "Disney Store exclusive", they must mean the actual stores themselves, because I went to their website, which actually takes you to DisneyShopping.com, and there was no hint of the two robots. The only mention I could find about the Eve robot was in this ebay ad, which shows the toy.

I can't find anything that talks about or has pictures of the Wall-E version, which says it has a head and arms that extend and retract, which none of the other Wall-E toys do. Of course, I had to buy them. I'm not sure who makes these two toys, since I don't see the Thinkway Toys logo on them, like you see on their other products, and neither is included on Thinkway Toys' Wall-E page. Once I have a chance to open them, maybe it'll have more information about the manufacturer. They do look pretty cool, though, and they're also supposed to talk to each other, like the InterAction Wall-E and Eve. And no, I don't think these are the same - these are advertised as doing things that those didn't. The controllers are also different - Wall-E's remote control is actually colored to resemble him.

And then, of course, there's the granddaddy of all Wall-E toys - the Ultimate Wall-E, which is now available for pre-order. Toys R Us has it for $249.99 whereas it's $259.95 at DisneyShopping.com. However, I would presume that both places will add shipping, and this is definitely not a toy that I really want shipped to me in case something is wrong with it, so I expect we'll see if we can pre-order it in person at a Toys R Us store. If not, then we'll have to decide if we're going to bite the bullet and pre-order it anyway or just wait and hope we can find one actually in stores.

Toys R Us claims the toy will be released in September, but I've found other sites, including this one, which says it won't be released until October.

I found this picture searching the net for Wall-E info. Don't they make a cute family?

When we had previously visited the Disney Store, we noticed that they were periodically showing a short Wall-E vignette on their giant video screen. I found it online, and here's the one they were playing.

Wall-E playing with a hula hoop.

Well, then I found a whole bunch more, which were apparently created to be used in different places to promote the release of the film.

Here's a short one of Wall-E and Eve playing baseball.

Here's another short one of Wall-E playing with a soccer ball.

In this short bit, Wall-E investigates the camera.

In this vignette, Wall-E encounters a scatter of bouncy balls - I *love* this one.

Here, Wall-E comes across some cups - this one is tied with the bouncy ball one as being my favorite because it combines so many cute elements. The first time I saw each of these two, I literally laughed out loud.

Wall-E finds a magnet.

Wall-E encounters a fire hydrant.

Wall-E is break dancing. ("Wall-E 2: Electric Boogaloo"?)

Hip-hop Wall-E.

This one uses similar elements of hip-hop Wall-E when he meets the Mac. Yes, I *do* mean THE Mac.

Wall-E plays with a basketball.

This longer video shows InterAction Wall-E and Eve talking to each other.

Yeah, still obsessed. And much poorer. And waiting to become poorer still.


  1. I think the three cups is my favorite. The "I'm a Mac" was disappointing -- it could have played off the Wall-E startup sound or something but instead seemed to be the previous hip-hop clip pasted into a Mac/PC spot. The last video sounded like Ben Burtt cleaning out his garage.

  2. People keep coming into my office to see what I'm laughing out loud about. Oh, am I supposed to be working? These are absolutely wonderful and I can't stop watching them.
