Friday, October 5, 2007

What in the hell is going on?

The universe seems to be going completely bonkers. OK, so the Eagles have been back together and even toured a couple times for multiple years now, and Hell is freezing over now? It's not kipple and it's not even entropy - it's outright Chaos. Even the full moon isn't until next Thursday, so what gives? There just seems to be so much going on right now with so many people, so many things that are unexpected and incredible, and I'm not talking about all good things either. And the worst part of it for me is that all I can really do is try to keep my head above water on my own things and then just sit and watch on the things that involve other people. I see the potential for hurt and problems and all kinds of other bad things - but there's nothing I can do to stop it, and that makes me crazy. All I can really do is be available to lend assistance if needed - and in the meantime, I'm forced to do nothing. I'm feeling a bit like Alex towards the end of "A Clockwork Orange". I can't look away, and I'm just forced to watch, but I won't become immune to what I'm seeing and witnessing.

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