Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bad day for Los Angeles college football teams

The world is officially upside down. Most of the talk about today's game between USC and Stanford was how much of a fight Stanford would put up and how much USC would beat them by. It was bad enough that USC was generally only leading Stanford by a small number of points for most of the game. But had *anyone* been talking about USC actually losing to Stanford? Stanford beat USC by one point - and did I mention that Stanford had blocked an extra point attempt by USC? I still can't believe it. OK, so it's not completely unthinkable since USC hasn't been the powerhouse so far this year that they were last year and the year before, and Stanford has shown more life this year than last with their new coach. But Stanford actually beating USC? At the Coliseum no less? Whodathunk?

But that's not all. UCLA was playing the winless Notre Dame, who weren't so much the Fighting Irish this year as the Sucking Irish. And Notre Dame beat UCLA handily. At the Rose Bowl.

So on a week when Cal has a bye, they will probably move from number 3 to number 2, and there's talk about Cal actually being in the national championship game.

OK, where's Allen Funt and where are the cameras?

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