Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fashion Challenged

I'm always amazed when I find someone with less fashion sense than I have.

It's not about your body size - it's understanding what looks good on your particular body size. If the circumference of your ankle is the same as that of my thigh, then folding up your jeans so they're capri length is probably not the best thing to do. Then, wearing strapless heels that are so small in the back that it looks like you're standing on one of those little poles that they use on "Survivor" endurance/balance challenges makes it worse. And to top it all off, when the front of your foot looks like it's being crammed into the shoe so that it looks like you're an adult trying to get into feet binding, it's really just not a good overall picture. Accentuating your lower leg/ankle area, in this case, is the wrong choice.

And then there is the time that I remember most. I was at a local amusement park. The friends I was with wanted to go into a particular candy store, so I said I'd wait outside for them, and I was just milling around looking at things. About a minute or two later, they came and said I needed to go to the candy store. I said I didn't want to go to the candy store. They said they needed to go to the candy store. I said they could go, I wasn't stopping them, I'd wait for them. They insisted that I had to go to the candy store with them. Protesting that I didn't understand why I had to go with them, I turned to head towards the candy store, looked into the store and interrupted myself with "Oh my God." They hadn't really cared about me going into the candy store. They just wanted me to look in the doorway, where there stood a woman who was, ummmm, 200+ pounds, who was wearing a halter top that almost looked like a sports bra and spandex shorts. Now, ok, it was a very hot day, and everyone is whatever size they are, but come on, there's gotta be some recognition of your own appearance. When she walked out of the house that morning, did she really say, "Damn, I look good" or even "yeah, I'm ok to go out in public like this"?

I have worn my share of skimpy outfits. And I looked damn good in them. Now, I wouldn't so much look good in them, so I don't wear them anymore. That's not to say that I'm the fashion queen, and I'm sure I've been the object of "why is she wearing that with that" comments, but I'm ok with that. But to assault others by showing them more of me than should really be seen? That's something I try not to do.

Yeah, so I'm judgemental.

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