Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Heroes" - October 6, 2008 episode

It's revealed that Tracy is actually one of triplets, which included Niki, who were separated when their parents died, but not before DNA manipulation was performed on them. Jessica appears to have been a sister that Tracy had in her adoptive family, so who's the third triplet? Tracy is outraged that experiments were performed on her, and she is having a lot of trouble dealing with her "gift". She calls the police and tries to report that she's the one who killed the reporter, but she can't bring herself to it, freezing the phone receiver in the process. After being MIA for a while, she goes into Nathan's office and hands in her resignation. She is about to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge, but after she jumps, she's saved by Nathan. Back at her apartment, since Nathan has admitted that he can fly, she shows him her freezing power. They kiss. It's revealed that four years in the future, Nathan is president, with Tracy (or maybe the third triplet) as his wife.

Matt is still in Africa, and he puts on what are apparently magic headphones because they make him have a vision of the future, in which he is married to Daphne, they have a baby together, and they're also parents to Molly. Daphne is in the vicinity of an explosion when it happens, and she gets away fast enough to show up at her own doorstep, but not fast enough to outrun the blast, as we see that her entire back is scorched open, and she collapses into Matt's arms, seemingly in death. When Matt wakes up out of his vision, he is told that he needs to find his totem, so he ends up following the turtle that he thought had talked to him.

Future-Peter takes present-Peter four years into the future, where the formula has given special powers to everyone who can afford to buy it, but people with the powers are abusing them, using the abilities to commit crimes. Future-Peter says that man cannot control himself and that someone in present-Peter's time is making the formula, and present-Peter needs to stop them. Just then, future-Claire shoots and kills future-Peter but misses present-Peter. Future-Peter is revealed to be regarded as a villain in his time, where future-Claire, future-Daphne and another guy are hunting him per orders.

Mohinder is having his own issues as the serum he created is having more side effects, including increased rage showing in Mohinder. He knows that he is changing, but he also knows there is nothing he can do to stop that now.

Present-Peter is still in the future, and he goes to find Sylar, looking for answers. He finds him in Claire's house, with an apron on, making lunch for his young son Noah. Sylar says that he goes by Gabriel, and when present-Peter says that he wants Gabriel's power, Gabriel says that it creates a hunger in you and turned him into a monster. He says that he fights to control it every day, for Noah, and he doesn't wish it on future-Peter. He also reveals to future-Peter that they're brothers. When future-Peter insists, Gabriel gives him his broken watch and says that if he can fix it, he can figure out Gabriel's power. Future-Peter telekinetically manipulates the watch mechanisms and fixes it, and apparently, that somehow magically gives him Gabriel's powers. No, I have no idea either.

Future-Claire and future-Daphne track down present-Peter with Gabriel, and they hold Noah hostage in exchange for present-Peter. Gabriel tells him to teleport out, but present-Peter refuses to leave them in that bind. In the ensuing fight, Noah is accidentally killed, and with his reason for controlling himself gone, Gabriel gives in to a murderous rage and explodes, taking out several miles of surrounding city with him.

Present-Peter and future-Claire both survive (presumably because both have the power of regeneration), and future-Claire is torturing present-Peter by cutting him when future-Nathan interrupts. After dismissing everyone from the room, he lets present-Peter go, but present-Peter decides he needs information and more from future-Nathan, and in Sylar style, he cuts open future-Nathan's head. Present-Peter then comes out of his trance, is horrified by what he's done, and flees.

Hiro and Ando have been held captive in Level 5 and have been fighting with each other, but when pushed by Angela, Ando says that Hiro will not stop until they get the formula back. They are then seen digging up a grave, presumably Hiro's father's grave, but instead, Hiro and Ando have dug up a very-much-still-alive Adam instead.

I've given this show a chance, but I just cannot get into it anymore. There are just too many characters, too many storylines, too many time periods, and just way too many questions, with almost zero answers. This is exactly what pissed me off about "Lost" and led me to stop watching that show. Giving me no answers doesn't make me more interested and eager to find out the answers - it just irritates the hell out of me. I'm out.

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