Saturday, October 11, 2008

"America's Toughest Jobs" - October 10, 2008 episode

The six remaining contestants end up in Port Angeles, Washington, where their job will be logging - cutting down trees and preparing them for processing into lumber. The first thing they do is watch a controlled tree fall, which amazes them. They are then taught to climb a tree using a rope and spikes on their shoes. Most do well, but Rommel has some trouble.

Next, they are taught to cut down a tree using a chainsaw to cut a chunk out of the front to control the direction of the fall, and then to cut a straight line out of the back and then use an ax to hammer in a wedge until the tree is pulled down by gravity. Bryce has a hard time, Steven's tree falls too fast which potentially puts him in danger, and Rommel is struggling, partly because of his shoulder injury from the prior job.

The contestants then have to haul a cable across from one end of the camp to the other so that a wire can be set up, but Rommel falls behind. Bryce also injures himself from a fall, so Bryce's banged-up knee and Rommel's shoulder prove hindrances to each of them.

The next job is to attach cables to the trees so that they can be hauled for processing, and then they have to be cut into the right sizes for transportation. Most of the contestants are falling a lot, and their bosses are yelling at them. When Ben and Rommel are going to the processing site, they both cross under the zip wire, which is the biggest safety transgression there is, and they are both reemed out for having completely forgotten everything they've been taught. Rommell doesn't fare any better when he's in the processing camp, and he repeatedly tries and fails to even start up his chainsaw.

The best of the group is deemed to be Sandy, and the bottom two are Rommel and Bryce. The final challenge is to climb a tree, undo a hook, climb back down, and then chop the tree down. First one to finish wins. As with before, Rommel has a very difficult time making it up the tree whereas Bryce races up, so Bryce is already on his way down when Rommel still has a bit of climbing to go. However, Bryce falters when it comes to cutting the chunk out of the tree. His cuts don't match each other, so he can't get the chunk out, and Rommel ends up making up all the time he lost in the tree climbing, and Rommel cuts his tree down first, eliminating Bryce. I'm glad that Bryce is finally gone since he's been such a pain, but at least in this episode, he took his lumps and didn't complain as much, and at the end, he knew he had screwed it up and said that Rommel deserved to win. Rommel was being called out by everyone else for complaining so much about his injuries and pain when everyone else was in pain and bruised as well and just sucked it up and kept on going.

The show moves to Saturday next week. I'm wondering if that means the ratings aren't doing well, since it started on Monday before moving to Friday and then is now moving again. Definitely not a way to keep an audience, but I love the show, so I'll be following along.

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