Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Knight Rider" - September 24, 2008 episode

At the Foreign Consulate, Mike Traceur is at some swanky affair with him looking like James Bond. Sarah is in some tech part of the embassy, stealing some files or something, but armed men come in and catch her. Mike is supposed to be after some package, but then KITT tells him that Sarah is in trouble, so he tries to go rescue her, losing track of the package in the process. After some Bond-esque action sequences, they do manage to escape. KITT had been detained as well, but he got to do some even more nifty transformations (including into a full-cab truck) and he's got other spiffy devices that get him out of the jam. KITT picks up Mike and Sarah and head for the Foundation's headquarters. En route, Sarah tells Mike that the men weren't after the files, but instead, they were after him and referred to him specifically by name. However, they are being chased, and a missile is launched at them, somehow homing in directly on Mike. No one at Foundation headquarters, including Sarah's father Charles, can figure out what to do. At the last minute, KITT manages to divert power and resources so that the exploding missile doesn't take out the car, but the missile was apparently made out of some special napalm that stays on fire. KITT is managing to divert resources so that the inside of the car isn't immediately scorching hot, but the temperature still climbs. His resources are further diverted when Sarah is instructed to transmit the files that she stole, whatever they are. In order to keep cooler inside the car, both Sarah and Mike disrobe. Ummm, yeah, ok, guess they just wanted to show them both mostly naked. I was wondering why Sarah didn't take her necklace off too. If the temperature was getting warmer and warmer, wouldn't wearing some kind of metal or alloy around her neck be pretty hot too?

Some emergency plan is made up for when they get to the Foundation's headquarters, but they're out of air, and KITT is going to ram the door but tech guy manages to get the doors open in the nick of time. Personnel drag Mike and Sarah out of the car, give them oxygen and shock them - and they both come back to life. A few minutes later, they're walking around again. The recovery seemed awfully quick. Immediately, Mike asks for his clothes, so I guess he's supposed to be the more modest one because Sarah wanders around in her bra and panties for a while, even looking at the computer screens and such before her father thinks to throw a towel over her. OK, hot chick, great body, naked except for bra and panties. Yeah, I get it.

Mike goes back in pursuit of "the package", which turns out to be a man, but just as Mike gets to him, another car pulls up and out climbs a gorgeous woman who shows that she has the same military tattoo that Mike does - right before she pulls a gun on him and clocks him and forces the man to get into her car before she drives away. As Mike pursues, he has KITT run searches to try to figure out who the men and the woman is. KITT says that there are many classified documents in Mike's files, things that even KITT can't access, and Mike mentions that there are bits and pieces of his past, years, that he can't remember. KITT finally finds footage of Mike with the woman and says that the footage was taken in Beirut, but Mike protests that he's never been to Beirut. In a private conversation with Sarah, she tells him that according to the time stamp on the video, the video was taken the same day that Mike called her from some classified location and proposed to her, which she accepted, and then he proceeded to disappear for several years, and she thought he had died.

The woman is apparently trying to get the man's DNA, but he has shaved his head and his entire body so that there's no hair, so instead, she cuts off his thumb to get DNA. OWWWWWW. She then shoves him out of the moving car. DOUBLE OWWWWWWW with a side of road rash. Mike pulls over and picks the guy up - I was wondering if he was just going to drive right by him. The guy says something about him having created some new encryption method and the key to the method is in his DNA. I have no idea what all that part was about. KITT is able to help Mike track down the woman, and Mike gets the man's thumb back. The woman finally realizes that Mike has no memory of her, and she asks what they did to him. Just then, FBI agent Carrie shows up - and shoots Mike.

It's revealed that Carrie needed to fake Mike's death because of the people who were coming after him, and that would put their entire division in jeopardy, so he had to die so they wouldn't look for him anymore. She's talking on the phone to someone else a few times, so there must be something else going on, something having to do with all the classified files and the stuff Mike can't remember.

There's also a scene where Charles and some other head of the Foundation (Alex) are examining the severed thumb, and Charles says that if Mike ever regains his memory, he's going to kill Alex, and Alex says that means they have to make sure he never remembers. Unbeknownst to them, KITT is listening to all this. I'm wondering if this is going to be a running story or if this part of the story will be resolved fairly quickly.

Speaking of KITT, there's one scene after he's parked inside the Foundation where you can hear presumably the sound of the moving light at the front of the car, and damned if he doesn't actually sound like a cylon! But what was with the laser beam things? It partly reminded me of the mechanical robot tool things that Tony Stark had in "Iron Man". But then, it also seemed like some kind of scanning device. Or maybe it was used to clean KITT, a kind of microbe obliterator?

Mike wants to start over with Sarah, and since Mike Traceur is now dead, he has to come up with a new name for himself.

And Michael Knight is re-born.

I can't decide if I like language girl - Zooey. She was funny in parts, but in others, she was just annoying. I did laugh when she kept teasing tech guy, though.

When the episode ended, I was confused. That was all? But, nothing happened really. And nothing was explained. I figured, oh, well, the first episode is always a little light because they have to do setup. Ummm, well, no, they didn't do setup. They just kind of jumped right in, so they assumed that people either had seen the TV movie a few months back, already knew about the premise from the original series or were just going to jump into this with no background.

I wasn't really sure what to make of this episode, but for now, I'm willing to still give it a shot. Hopefully, subsequent episodes will capture my attention a bit more.


  1. We gave it a shot mostly based on fond memories of the original series and the not half-bad pilot. Unfortunately, the first regular season episode was -so- bad that it completely turned us off from watching it. Season pass deleted.

  2. Sara and I will be watching "Pushing Daisies" live Wednesdays at 8, but I'm still not sure what I should have our Windows Media Center record at that time. "Knight Rider" and "Gary Unmarried" were both equally disappointing. Perhaps I shouldn't record either?
