Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"90210" - September 23, 2008 episode

Annie is the understudy for Adrianna, and she's been filling in for Adrianna a lot because Adrianna has been missing rehearsal. Adrianna even misses the first part of the dress rehearsal, but when she finally shows up, Brenda works with her and hears how amazingly she sings and acts. However, Brenda can see that she's troubled, and she brings it to the attention of Kelly and Ryan. They both suggest taking Adrianna out of the show, but Brenda says she thinks it's the only thing she's hanging onto. Shortly before the show, Brenda ends up meeting Adrianna's very pushy mother who is the epitome of a stage mom. She tells Adrianna that she has agents and talent scouts in the audience, and she just has to be good. Yeah, no pressure or anything. 10 minutes before showtime, stage manager Silver can't find Adrianna, but she's apparently resting on the couch in the makeup room. It's obvious that she's loaded though, and Brenda makes the difficult decision to not let her go on, so Annie is called to go on in her place instead. Harry, Debbie and Tabitha (and Ethan) are happy to see Annie in the lead, but Kelly is concerned about Adrianna, so she goes looking for her. After talking to Brenda, she finds Adrianna and ends up having a confrontation with Adrianna's mother, who is livid that Adrianna is not in the show and refuses to listen when Kelly says that Brenda thinks Adrianna might be doing drugs.

During the dinner break at the dress rehearsal, Annie is mortified when Harry catches her and Ty making out backstage, but Harry is even more rattled. He goes home and tells Debbie, and he wants to talk to Annie, but Debbie says it's more of a mother's job. When Annie gets home, Debbie tries to talk to her, but Annie is reluctant. Debbie just tells her to make sure she knows what she's doing. Ty tells Annie that he's gotten a room at the Roosevelt Hotel, where the after-party is being held, which surprises Annie, but she covers. After an incredibly successful show, she decides she's ready to give her virginity to Ty, and she tracks down Dixon to ask him for the condom he's been carrying around in his wallet for 4 years. OK, do brothers and sisters really talk about that sort of thing, so that the sister would know the brother keeps a condom in his wallet? I mean, I have siblings, but that just seems like an odd topic. And to actually *ask* him for it, which means he obviously knows what you need it for. And, not to mention, FOUR YEARS? I thought they told us in health class that they don't really keep for that long, especially in a wallet where it's subjected to heat, so the integrity of the condom isn't really going to be good anyway.

Annie makes her way to Ty's room (though I'm wondering how she knew what room he was in), but she is surprised when Adrianna opens the door dressed only in a towel. When Annie says she was looking for Ty, Adrianna says she has the right room and invites her in. She says Ty is in the shower "rinsing off" and asks if Ty asked Annie to his room too and further wonders how many other girls he asked there. When Adrianna offers to get Ty, Annie declines and runs out, visibly upset. (Naomi had previously mentioned that Ty was a player and that since Annie and Ty were at least friends, Annie should see what other benefits came with them. She also mentioned that she and Ethan pretty much had sex almost immediately.) Adrianna goes into the restroom and pulls back the shower curtain - revealing the water falling on an empty shower. Adrianna had overheard Ty and Annie talking about the room earlier, and she had seen Ty on the balcony of the room, so she had gone to his room. He had said that he was waiting for Annie, but Adrianna had lied that she saw Annie leave with Ethan and that they were making out. Apparently, Ty left after that, which enabled Adrianna to pull off the rest of her charade.

Harry and Debbie are surprised when Annie returns home so early, but she says the party was too loud and she was more tired than she thought, so she is just going to go to her room and go to bed. Harry and Debbie can sense that something is wrong, but they let her go. Annie goes into her room and manages to shut the door before crumbling into tears. So now, both Annie and Ty think the other is messing with Ethan and Adrianna respectively, so that's gonna be a huge mess to work out.

Meanwhile, Naomi berates her mother Tracy since Tracy has been lethargic and depressed for the past week. Naomi's father has apparently moved out and into the beachhouse with Gail, so Naomi says she's going to call him to come help them. But when he arrives, Tracy is all made up again. Later, Naomi is hopeful that her parents will get back together, so she is shocked when she finds her mother gathering all of her father's things to give away. Tracy says she told him to choose between her and Gail, and he said he couldn't, so she made the choice for him. She tells Naomi that they're getting divorced, but that she and Naomi will be ok. So does this mean that Tracy is really going to go after Harry now? Their son was finally mentioned again (Harry and Debbie were talking, with Harry concerned about Annie's budding relationship with Ty, and Debbie telling him that he can't let his past [his mistakes, he said] affect how he is going to treat Annie. Debbie actually had a really good line about how their job is to lead their kids to the right path, but ultimately, the kids have to choose the path for themselves.), so maybe more will come of that soon.

Silver and Dixon are definitely an item now, having shared their first kiss and make-out session. Dixon laments the fact that he's had the condom for so long and on this night, he doesn't have it, but Silver makes it clear that they weren't going to have sex anyway. Just a clothed romp, I guess.

When Kelly, Harry and Ryan arrived at the auditorium to watch the dress rehearsal, they were talking about other musicals, and "Mamma Mia" was brought up. Kelly said she loved it and had seen it twice on Broadway. Yeah, Kelly! Harry made some disparaging comment about the show. Boo, Harry. Kansas people suck.

In a few scenes, but most noticeable to me in the scene where Brenda is talking to Kelly and Ryan about Adrianna, Brenda's eyes were just so incredibly dark, like she was a raccoon or something. It really bothered me because it looked weird. She just seemed to have on so much really dark eye shadow. Was that supposed to be more dramatic?

1 comment:

  1. Sara is a fan of the original 90210 and she also likes this version. ... And she's sucking me into it!!!
