Monday, November 12, 2007

You don't have a fever because you're sick - it must be global warming!

Believe it or not, I manage to sometimes not say everything that pops into my brain. On more than one occasion, I will be around someone who says the absolute most ridiculous thing, and I manage to contain myself. For instance, it has happened several times where I'll have been around someone who, once we talk about how hot it is that particular day, makes a snide remark about how on earth can some people believe that global warming isn't real - I mean, look how hot it is. Ummm, ok, yeah, today's temperature isolated on its own is definitive proof of global warming. For various reasons, I have generally let those comments go without response just because it wasn't worth it to get into it.

On the other side of the coin, I do find it interesting that oftentimes, those who do preach the gospel of global warming are completely intolerant of those who aren't believers, looking at them as if they've just sprouted two heads, or viewing them with the pity that one might have looked at a retarded child back in the day, who just can't grasp the simplest of ideas.

It's not just a theory - global warming is real, they say. Everyone who's anyone knows that. Every intelligent being knows that. It's only the nitwits and those in denial and those on the wrong side of the political spectrum who refuse to accept that global warming is a clear and present danger. I mean, heck, "An Inconvenient Truth" (directly and relatedly) has won an Emmy, an Oscar, a Grammy, a Pulitzer, a Nobel, a Tony, a Golden Globe, Miss Universe and the Publisher's Clearing House prize. How on earth can it not be real?

I will say for the record that I've not seen the film. Frankly, I don't think I could stomach it. But, I have read/heard a lot about the film, from both sides. Proponents will quote data at you, but when detractors question the data, I've not been satisfied with the background on the data. Oftentimes, it appears as if proponents feel that they just need to quote the data at you - that's all that matters. Of course it's from a credible and reputable source with no manipulation or exaggeration involved. What do you mean you want proof so you can check it out yourself. I'm telling you that's the way it is. You're just trying to cloud the issue by deflecting the focus onto where the data comes from, which isn't important, but I'm trying to save this planet and your life and the lives of your children.

Now, of course, you can find people all over the spectrum who will fall on one side or the other, and generally, people will label as "crackpot" anyone who isn't on their side, regardless of the merits or demerits of the person/organization involved. So, hey, why not one more crackpot?

WorldNetDaily recently published an article about John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and currently a meteorologist for a San Diego television station. Coleman has recently published an article on the website of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project labeling the so-called global warming crisis as the greatest scam in history. Here's a link to the website column. His voice is just one of many that I've read about who bring up very interesting points. His analysis isn't as in-depth as others I've seen, but there have been fundamental problems with a lot of the global warming hysteria that many seem never to question. If you preach doom and gloom, some people are just going to buy into it.

Now, that's not to say that just because global warming isn't happening, we should just forget about the earth and do whatever we want. Conservation, recycling, all that is good. But I'm just tired of the whole "sky is falling" mentality that seems to be so prevalent nowadays.

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