Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Desperate Housewives" and "Heroes"

"Desperate Housewives" - This was a fun episode. I was laughing entirely too much when Lynette's mother and her one-night-stand came down the stairs, both of them in robes, and Lynette and Tom just stared at them. It was a nice through-line to learn about the mom and to see Lynette's sisters. On the one hand, I felt sorry for the mom that she had to listen to all that, that she knew she wasn't wanted. On the other hand, I was kind of with the sisters in that I didn't see why the mom had to live with one of them, especially since we saw how she treated her one daughter at the diner. Who would want to be around that kind of toxic behaviour day and night? If the mom wasn't the way she was, maybe her daughters wouldn't be trying to pawn her off on each other. Wonder where she's taking the cab to at the end.

The circumcision talk between Orson and Bree (Bree biting down on the top of the eggroll - oh my goodness, I laughed so hard) was funny and interesting, but it eventually turned into a telling example of how Bree was viewing the baby and Orson's role. When Bree couldn't find a doctor to perform the circumcision, it had occurred to me that she could find a Jewish rabbi to do it, but I had forgotten about the bris that they'd been invited to.

The dinner table discussion among Bree and Orson and Susan and Mike about pre-schools and their costs and applications was just too dead on. $10,000 for a pre-school? But I've heard people who do that. They know that their children need to get into X college to eventually get a good job, and Y prep school is a known feeder into X college, and Z private school is a feeder to Y prep school, and Q school is a feeder to Z private school, and M elementary school is a feeder to Q school, and R pre-school is a feeder to M elementary school, and you have to know someone or be someone to get into R pre-school, and you have to apply as soon as you have proof that you're pregnant, and it's going to cost the equivalent of a brand new car for yearly tuition and baby better have lots of extracurricular activities or baby won't be accepted. It's absolutely ridiculous - but absolutely real.

So I had thought Mike was taking blood pressure medication, but apparently, he's taking some kind of painkiller thing. When he poured the bottle of pills down the drain, my first thought was that he didn't run any water after it nor did he turn on a garbage disposal. I knew the pills were still there, so when he later went to retrieve them, I wasn't surprised. (BTW, I loved Bree's demonstration to Susan about how sneaky and devious addicts can be in hiding their addiction.)

Gabrielle...Victor...boat...overboard...Carlos...rescue...knife...overboard...Carlos...Gabrielle...boat...bye-bye. Yeah, not so much care.

Loved the scene between Dillon and Katherine when Dillon finally pushes back against Katherine. And then when Katherine tearfully explains to Dillon what happened with her father - I knew there was nothing on the piece of paper. She was counting on Dillon buying her story. There is no finding dad for Dillon. Dad is dead. It may be true that he was abusive - that might explain some things. But that particular branch of the family tree has been pruned.

"Heroes" - OK, I forgive them, for now. They didn't explain anything about how Sylar survived or how and why he was where he was at the beginning of this season, but they answered enough other questions that I'll let that go for now.

Nathan - Now we know why he's continued to have these visions of the burned man. I wonder, though, that he didn't die since it looked like he had third-degree burns over so much of his body. And does he or his mother know how he was healed? And does having Adam's blood in him have any other effects on him other than having healed his burns, like can he now regenerate as well? And what the heck is mom's power?

Peter - His mother told Nathan that Peter was still missing and that they were still searching for him. But lots of people saw Peter bring Nathan into the hospital. Wouldn't someone, especially the cop, remember him and have been able to describe him enough so that his mother knew it was him who had brought Nathan in? Nathan was probably too out of it to remember any time that Peter was there.

Adam - So apparently, he's hundreds of years old but doesn't age because of his regenerative powers. Since Claire also has regenerative powers, does that mean she won't age either? Is she going to be high-school age for the rest of her life? And is Adam ultimately going to be revealed to somehow be related to Claire? Do we know for a *fact* that Nathan is Claire's bio-dad? Adam obviously knew Nathan's mom - who's to say Adam didn't have a thing with Claire's bio-mom?

Niki - So Jessica's gone, but party girl Gina came out to play, and Niki is now racked with guilt because she knows that she was responsible for D.L.'s death.

Maya - It was weird that she ended up killing everyone in the vicinity. The other times we've seen it happen, it's been concentrated to where she is. Wonder how far her killing ability reaches.

Elle - She was really irritating me with her "can't keep her hands off Peter" thing. She did become a little more sympathetic when she told her backstory. She's been isolated from society - no wonder she's going to pounce on Peter. In a previous episode, she was on the phone with her "boss", who she also referred to as "dad". Is that Bob? And at the end, when Elle is going after escaped Adam and Peter, she uses her lightning power as the Haitian is standing right by her. I thought the Haitian neutralizes powers. Why was she able to use hers around him?

I'm looking forward to the further developments in Hiro's story, and at some point, you know he's going to see Kensei/Adam.

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