Friday, September 14, 2007

Stuff, solids and guts.

In many soups (except for the cream-every-manner-of-vegetable kind), there is the broth, and there is the stuff in the soup that's not the broth. In Chinese, there's a word for the non-broth stuff, but there doesn't seem to be a word for that in English.

I asked friends. "Depends on what kind of soup it is." "No, it doesn't matter what kind of soup it is. What's the generic word for the stuff in the soup that's not broth, no matter what the actual kind of soup it is?" Blank stare.

I've even asked at a couple different restaurants. At one, I was told the kitchen called them "solids". That doesn't sound very appetizing. At another restaurant, I was told the kitchen called them "guts". Eww, even less appetizing, and this coming from someone who actually enjoys eating various animal gut parts. Oftentimes, the server/waitbeing would just give me a blank stare and have no idea.

So either there's no word for this in English (what about other languages?) or I just haven't asked the right person/people yet.

My quest continues.

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