Saturday, September 15, 2007

Insomnia (the affliction, not the movie)

Ever since I was a little kid, I've had a problem with insomnia. My mother could never understand why I had such problems sleeping - I'm a kid, I'm supposed to sleep! Ummm, yeah, well, it would be great if it actually worked that way. Sometimes, there are reasons for my insomnia, whether I'm worried about something or excited about something, so my brain refuses to turn off. At least that makes sense. But sometimes, I just can't sleep, and whether or not I'm tired has nothing to do with it. I used to just lay in bed for hours tossing and turning, which was even more frustrating. Eventually, I learned that if I wasn't going to sleep, there was no point in further torturing myself by staying in bed, so I'd get up and do something, anything. That becomes particularly fun on nights before days I have to go to work or do something else.

Tonight, it's a bit of just general insomnia, but I know there are other specific reasons as well. But, I am tired, so off to try to sleep.

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