Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 18 - Mystery of the Thousand Moons - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 18 - Mystery of the Thousand Moons

"A single chance is a galaxy of hope."


Rabbit droid? What's this rabbit droid that shows up in the credits? Oh, it's a droid that looks like it's a rabbit, ears and everything. Uh oh, rabbit droid sets off one of the virus bombs. Bad rabbit!

The virus spreads throughout the lab but is currently contained in the lab, but both Padme and Ahsoka have been exposed. The antidote can be made from a root that can be found on a Separatist-controlled planet - off go Obi-Wan and Anakin again.

Obi-Wan and Anakin discover that a kid on said planet has reprogrammed a bunch of battle droids to perform lots of innocuous and non-deadly tasks. But the kid warns that Drol won't let anyone leave the planet. (Drol? That's "lord" spelled backwards. Is that supposed to be the joke?) None of them know what exactly Drol is, but some think it's a ghost, or that the planet is cursed.

Oh, the root they need is connected to some kind of venus fly trap creature. That's not good. But they manage to get some of the root.

They figure out that the planet is being protected by some kind of laser array, and that's what is destroying the ships of those trying to leave. R2 takes control of some vulture droids to take out the laser array.

So then they show that Padme and Ahsoka have been treated with the antidote made from the root, and they're being taken out and flown somewhere to get full medical attention. How did they get everyone out of the bunker without letting the virus out? That was the whole point of containing the virus and not letting anyone out, and not letting the battle droids break out, and Padme saying that no one should ever go into the bunker again to make sure the virus doesn't contaminate others on the planet. Does the virus dissipate after a while? Did they let it out and then just have enough antidote to give to everyone, and the virus doesn't spread into space or anything? Would have liked to have had that clarified.

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