Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 22 - Hostage Crisis - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 22 - Hostage Crisis

"A secret shared is a trust formed."


That's not where I expected that sentence to go based on the first part. A secret shared is often a reason to kill the other person so that you're now the only one who knows the secret.

Hey, there's Cad Bane. Oh, he looks pretty bad ass. He and a bunch of his gang want to kidnap Republic senators, but why? Are they doing something for the Separatists?

Anakin wants Padme to go away on a holiday, but she says she has work to do. Anakin whines. Dude, this is not a good look for you. She's a senator. She actually works to help her people. She doesn't really get a holiday. And I'm surprised you do. In some weird attempt at show of trust, he hands her his lightsabre. Dude, you're a Jedi. You don't just go around handing your lightsabre to people, even if she is your wife.

Oh, so Cad Bane is wanting to trade the kidnapped senators for the release of Ziro the Hutt. Hmm, interesting. Does he have an ulterior motive, or was he hired by Ziro's people? And in true bad guy fashion, he goes back on his word about freeing the senators. They are rescued unharmed, but Bane escapes with Ziro.

thoughts on "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" television series so far

So now that we're at the end of season 1, I have to say that I'm a bit confused about some stuff. Several people had told me before I started the series that I didn't need to watch every episode, that I could just watch a list of episodes if I wanted to know about Ahsoka or this character or that character, and that there were episodes that were really tedious to get through. I didn't find that to be the case at all. I can't think of one episode that I felt like I had to slog through, though, yes, they're only 20-something minute episodes. But I've seen episodes of shows where 5 minutes in, I wanted to stop. I definitely found some episodes more engaging than others, but I never felt like I wanted to stop watching an episode.

I'm also surprised at having been told that it was a series geared much more toward kids. There are definitely very adult themes explored in these episodes, and not even on the sly like say, on "The Simpsons" or other shows where there's a top level that kids get but there's also a deeper level that the adults would understand but that the kids wouldn't catch at all. These adult themes are right out there, especially with regard to oppression and the murder of innocents, and most of all, the absolute disregard for the lives of the clone troopers in so many instances. I cringe every time someone says that the clones were made to be expendable, and they *know* it, or the several times when someone doesn't consider them expendable, and they're amazed to see / hear that.

From a quick browse of the descriptions of the first few episodes of season 2, it looks like it's Cad Bane heavy, so I'm looking forward to seeing the series progress. Let's go.

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