Friday, July 14, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 15 - Trespass - July 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 15 - Trespass

"Arrogance diminishes wisdom."


The clone troopers on yet another remote planet have gone silent, so Obi-Wan and Anakin are dispatched to check it out. And it's freezing there, even more than on Hoth, it looks like.

Pantora is the neighboring planet, and their leader claims "ownership" and sovereignty over the frozen uninhabited planet. He also bulldozes over and bullies the Pantoran senator.

Oh, the planet is not so much uninhabited - the Talz live there.

Obi-Wan and Anakin arrange for the Talz to agree to meet a delegation, including the Pantoran leader and senator. The leader is a complete jerk and re-iterates his claim to the planet, whereas the Talz just want to be left alone.

The clone troopers are trying to stay out of it, but they've been tasked with protecting the leader, who gets them involved in a conflict with the Talz. Folks die on both sides in a fight that never should have happened. The blame for the deaths of Talz and clones alike rests solely and squarely on the leader. The leader is ultimately killed himself, and the senator uses that to negotiate a peace with the Talz.

I don't really care that much that the leader was killed. I don't forgive him for all the deaths he was responsible for that should never have happened.

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