Sunday, June 18, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 8 - Bombad Jedi - June 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 8 - Bombad Jedi

"Heroes are made by the times."

OK, I don't know why this particular bit of info has stuck in my head, and I'm not sure I should publicly admit to it, but as soon as I saw the episode title, I knew that "bombad" was a Gungan word because I remember Boss Nass, the head of the Gungans, using it.  So I was thinking we might see more Gungans, but it turns out, the title is in reference to the one Gungan already in the picture.

Padme is on some kind of diplomatic mission, with apprentice Jar Jar and 3PO accompanying her.  She's going to the Rodians to get them to stay loyal to the Republic.

Hello, Ahmed Best!

Unfortunately, Padme's old family friend has turned on her to save his own people, and he's already made a deal with the Separatists to turn over Padme to Nute Gunray.  It's a trap.

OK, so why is there a Jedi robe in Padme's ship?  Presumably that's Anakin's?  Does he have more than one robe?  Where do they get it from?  Is there a special Jedi clothing and accessory store for Jedi like there are for Boy Scouts?  Somehow, Jar Jar ends up wearing the robe, and the Separatists think that there's a Jedi lurking about.

Jar Jar makes friends with some kind of giant worm that looked like the thing that was menacing the clone troopers from the last episode and also reminded me of the sand worms from the 1990s "Dune" movie.

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