Sunday, June 4, 2023

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" (television show) - season 1, episode 4 - Destroy Malevolence - June 2023 review

"Star Wars:  The Clone Wars" (television show)

season 1, episode 4 - Destroy Malevolence

“A plan is only as good as those who see it through.”  I feel like they’re channeling Hannibal from “The A-Team”.

Oh, and this episode starts right after the end of the last episode, so the ship is still there, albeit in flames.

So his name is Plo Kloon, but they call him Master Plo, not Master Kloon.  But they refer to others as Master Windu and Master Skywalker.  Does that mean that “Plo” is his family name.  (Shout out to Din Djarin.)

Someone mentions Master Luminara.  I think their lightsabre was one of the ones released at Dok Ondar’s in Black Spire Outpost.

The Malevolence is ginormous and can withstand the barrage of firepower from *three* star destroyers?  Wow.

Padme & 3PO get lured to the area on some kind of fake diplomatic mission and instead get tractor beamed into the Malevolence

In a random segment inside the Malevolence, I laughed when I heard the repeated “mind the gap” announcement.  Ah, London Underground humour!

Anakin and Obi-Wan go to rescue Padme and 3PO, but Grievous escapes.  Anakin rigs the Malevolence’s hyperdrive to blow, destroying the ship.

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