Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"The Aristocats" - Disney animated film review

Some of you may know that, even though I'm now a Disney fan, I didn't grow up in a Disney household, so I haven't actually seen many of the classic Disney animated films. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to remedy that. So it's not a bookclub or a viewing club, but a discussion-generating thread that originated on my Facebook account.

I'm going to watch one Disney animated movie a week, and then every week, I'll post my thoughts on it. Anyone who wants to participate is welcome, and if you have Disney+ or own the movie, you can refresh your memory by watching it again. Or just comment from memory because you've seen it so many times!

I started this several weeks ago, and the first film I started with was "The Aristocats".

I've never known much about this movie, but I assumed it was about ... cats. Right. But the only scenes/clips I've ever seen of it are the band of cats playing jazz, so I always thought it was about upper class musical cats. Hmmm, no.

It only took a little while into the movie for me to figure out that it's a feline version of Lady and the Tramp. I mean Lady/Duchess and Tramp/O'Malley-cat? Yeah, dead giveaway.

Overall, I enjoyed the film. I absolutely loved the backgrounds - such beautiful paintings of Paris and environs. Makes me want to go back even more.

I also really liked how they treated the characterizations of the cats. They had VERY cat-like features and moves and expressions, but when they were doing human-ish things, they still seemed believable and seemed to incorporate their catness (not Katniss) into the activity. I've been watching a lot of cat videos lately, so it was fun to see how wonderfully they recreated the little kittens in animation that long ago.

I was pretty curious about the styling of Thomas. It took me a minute to figure out why he was striking me as a bit odd. There were certain looks of his that kept reminding me of Shere Khan, from the Jungle Book. And then, I realized that they drew him not like the small cats (aka house cats, like Duchess and her kittens), but rather, like the Big Cats, like tigers. At first, I thought it was just a difference between him and the kittens, but then I remembered that Duchess was an adult cat. In one scene with just the two of them together, Duchess has the dainty nose of a house cat, and Thomas has the bigger snout of a tiger. I don't think it's just a male/female thing either, because male house cats also generally have the small nose.

I also thought it was amusing that Thomas was voiced as a suave American who sweeps the upper class French Duchess off her feet, even though she's voiced by a Hungarian. I hadn't known that and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Eva Gabor's performance.

And to the kittens. Marie, the sweet little kitten - is an absolute flirt. Oh, wait, no, that's wrong. She's a FLIRT. Wow.

And why does Marie have a British accent?

My favorite kitten was actually Touloose. He was so cute, and I especially liked when he was trying to be puffy. It's so adorable when a little kitty is trying to be menacing by making themselves half an inch taller. And when he tried to hiss and spit, he just ended up drooling.

The third kitten - yeah, don't know his name, couldn't figure out his name no matter how many times they said it, even read his name in the credits and STILL don't and won't remember his name.

I liked the "he's marinated" line about the older male goose. At one point when the three of them were talking, I said to the husband that they were very loud. He replied that geese ARE very loud. Ah, ok.

I liked the movie but I'm not sure how much I'd watch it. Edit together the scenes of the kittens being cute, and yeah, I'd watch that all the time. No surprise there.

My only real criticism of the film - that Siamese cat in the band is pretty offensive, especially when they have him playing the piano with chopsticks. I know, it's a sign of the times, but the way the cat is drawn and the speech affectation - UGH. Thankfully, he has very little screen time.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Maybe they'll do a live action version of The Aristocats like they've been doing with other animated films. We know there's the technology to do live action people cats.

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