Friday, February 6, 2009

and the mystery caller is ... Christian Bale!

So I was listening to Kevin and Bean this morning, and it was shortly before 8am, so it was time for Ralph's Showbiz Beat. At the end of each hour, Ralph usually talks about different stories going on in Hollywood and such. Well, this morning, he mentioned that there was a special guest on the phone. And who should come on the air but Christian Bale! Kevin and Bean were actually surprised because they had no idea that was going to happen. Christian explained a bit of what happened that led to his tirade that's been posted all over the net this week. It was actually a really good segment.

With all the publicity and such having to do with the issue this week, I was figuring that news of Christian's call on the show would make the rounds. And it did. Here's an article about the call this morning.

Here's a link to the entire call so you can listen to it yourself.

I had thought about doing a blog post about this whole issue the day after the audio was released, but I never got around to it, and I won't now. Suffice it to say that the explanation Christian gave was pretty much what I figured happened, so I wasn't condemning him as I heard a lot of people do. It's nice that he apologized, and I can't wait to see the new movie anyway!

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