Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Survivor: Gabon" - December 11, 2008 episode

After the last tribal council, Matty is mad that there was a third vote for him, and he figures out that it was Ken and is mad at him. After, Sugar and Ken and Crystal are talking, and they target Matty. Ken then talks to Bob and makes Bob feel bad about having tricked him, so Bob promises that if he wins the immunity idol, he'll give it to Ken if Ken is in trouble. I don't really get why Bob is feeling so bad, though. I mean, he felt bad after tricking Randy, so then he turned around and tricked Ken, and really, it's all part of the game.

For the reward challenge, the winner will go to a national park and be able to visit a gorilla sanctuary as well as having food, a shower and a bed to sleep in.

The challenge itself is an obstacle course where they have to go through a course to get a ball and then bring it back and shoot it into a hoop before doing it again. First one to get all three balls into the hoop wins. Matty is close, but Bob ends up being more accurate in making his last shot and wins. Jeff tells Bob that he can bring someone with him, and he picks Crystal. Jeff says he can bring one more person, and Bob picks Ken. Bob then has to send someone to exile, and he picks Susie.

Bob and Ken and Crystal enjoy a good meal with lots of food and then are able to take a shower and get something new to wear. They are then taken to the gorilla sanctuary where they get to spend some time looking at them - and being looked at.

In exile, Susie takes the comfort because she knows Sugar has the hidden immunity idol, so she enjoys the fruit and hammock.

Back at camp, Matty tries to turn Sugar, but Sugar is sticking to her alliance with Ken and Crystal, so Matty knows he's on his own. When Bob and Ken and Crystal come back, though, both Ken and Crystal are sort of laying into Matty, which gets Sugar's attention as she doesn't think they should be doing that, and she starts to question her alliance with them Ken and Crystal.

The immunity challenge involves having a mask at one end, having to make your way through some obstacles to the other end where there's a blank mask where they will have to bring three bags of mask pieces to recreate the mask - and they have to do it all blindfolded. Crystal spends some time wandering around into other people's lanes and even going outside the course, and then when Susie is going back for more pieces, she ends up overshooting and wandering around outside the course completely. Matty decides to get all the bags first before starting to assemble pieces while everyone else tackles one bag at a time. Ken's mask sort of looks like a Picasso painting after a while. Bob thinks he has it, but Jeff says no. After a little re-arranging, Bob ends up winning after all, making that his fourth consecutive challenge win. Now, he has to decide if he will give it to Ken.

Back at camp, Ken works on Bob to give him the necklace, and Ken tells the others to tell Bob that they're voting for Ken. But Ken says that when Bob gives him the necklace, they will vote Bob out. Sugar doesn't like what's going on, so she goes to tell Bob what Ken has planned and how she's had a change of heart about Ken and Crystal. They're targeting Crystal now, to break up the Ken/Crystal alliance.

Sugar wears her hidden immunity idol around her neck to tribal council. After some discussion, Bob says that he's going to keep the necklace because he doesn't think Ken is in jeopardy, which is how he had promised to give it to Ken, but Bob knows they're targeting Crystal, not Ken. After the votes, Jeff asks about the hidden immunity idol. Sugar looks at it for a while, and then she gives it to Matty, who plays it, so any votes for him don't count. (I thought you had to be in possession of the idol when you arrived at tribal council to be able to play it, but I guess not.) The two votes for Matty don't count, and the third vote for Crystal means she's the one voted out. There is a fourth vote for Crystal which goes unread, so I don't think the remaining players know that Crystal would have been voted out anyway, even if Sugar hadn't given her idol to Matty.

Five are left - Sugar, Matty, Bob, Ken and Susie. Who will be the final three?

I'm rooting for Bob to win, and then if not, then Sugar, Matty and Ken, in that order. I so don't want Susie to win.

The two-hour finale followed by the one-hour reunion show starts at 8pm on Sunday.

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