Saturday, December 6, 2008

"90210" - November 18, 2008 episode

This episode takes place immediately after the end of the prior episode, when Annie and Naomi were arguing outside Annie's birthday party, and a guy walked up and introduced himself as Sean, Harry's and Tracy's son.

Annie brings Sean inside and introduces him to Henry and the rest of the family, who grill him on his past. Tracy arrives shortly thereafter and gushes over him.

Kelly gets Naomi and Annie into her office to try to resolve the bad blood between them, and Kelly says that friendships are a huge thing, and it's not worth ruining them by fighting over boys. Since I'd seen the previews of the episode and knew what Brenda was going to be telling Kelly later, I knew Kelly's little lecture was going to come back and bite her in the ass.

Since all of Naomi's group (including Adrianna) is with Annie and Ethan, Naomi looks for other people to hang out with. She sits down at a table of girls, either juniors or seniors, who are obviously incredibly full of themselves. They say they don't allow freshman to sit with them, but Naomi talks her way in by promising to get them reservations to an exclusive restaurant that they want to go to. She then hits up on Ozzie to get the reservation, since his family owns it.

Kelly catches up with Brenda after seeing her in a production of The Scottish Play, and Kelly says that Brenda hasn't returned any of her calls. Brenda says she's been really busy, and when they later meet for lunch, Brenda says that they don't really have anything in common anymore, so she's not sure there's any reason for them to continue to be friends, other than for purely nostalgic reasons. Kelly gets up and leaves.

Harry is supposed to be going to dinner with Tracy and Sean, and Debbie was going to stay home to give them time together, but Tabitha tells her a story that basically says that whatever Harry is involved in, Debbie should be involved in too. OK, so this is the second time Tabitha's actually been nice to Debbie. What gives? The dinner ends up going ok, with Tracy bragging about having taken Sean to this and that swanky place, and Debbie invites Sean to stay with them for a little while, that she can cook for him, and Harry wants Sean to come to a lacrosse game. Sean seems good with all that.

With Harry spending so much time with and worrying about Sean, including at lacrosse practice, Dixon is feeling very left out, especially when there had been an earlier discussion about how much Sean looked like Harry's family. Dixon has already expressed some insecurity about not being Harry's biological son.

Silver is at Annie's while Annie is trying to figure out what cute outfit she's going to wear to the lacrosse game. Annie realizes that she's changed, and that she's changed her focus, that she never cared about clothes and stuff before and how stupid was it to worry about what to wear to a lacrosse game. Silver says no one is making her be different if she doesn't want to. (Annie also noticed that Ethan was none too happy with her earlier when she was dissing Naomi's clothes at school.)

At the lacrosse game, Silver is there with Adrianna, but Ethan can't find Annie. Ozzie asks for payback from Naomi for getting her the best table at the restaurant, and he wants her to kiss their school mascot - a wildcat - in front of everyone. Naomi does it - and it's then revealed that Annie is actually in the mascot costume. Ethan is surprised to see her, and she says that's more her style, which Ethan is perfectly ok with. Naomi has cemented her in with the new group, so I guess we'll be seeing more of the vapid girls in episodes to come. Not really interested in that myself.

During the course of the game, Dixon's anger and frustration about Harry and Sean come through in his play, and he tells off Harry on the field. When Harry later confronts him, Dixon tells him what and how he's feeling about Sean, and Harry actually has a very nice conversation with Dixon.

Kelly gets a call and leaves for the hospital - it turns out Brenda fell off the stage and Kelly was still listed as a contact for her. Brenda jokes that she must have fallen off because she actually said the name of The Scottish Play (I loved that whole bit, btw). Brenda admits that she's been trying to distance herself from Kelly and pushing her away, and then she admits that she slept with Ryan. Kelly says not a word, takes her purse, and walks out. Deja vu all over again. See, I told you so.

The Wilson family have arrived back home, and everyone is settling in for the night. Harry and Debbie tell Sean where his room is, and as he heads there, he calls someone on the phone and says he's in. Hmmm, who did he call and what's up?

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