Tuesday, November 4, 2008

time for the Peeps to vote

Unless you've been living under a rock or have been reading misleading flyers, you know that today is election day. And it's not just any old election day when there might be one semi-important proposition on the ballot and not much else. This time around, it's a presidential election. And not just a rubber-stamp presidential election like we've had for quite some time now, when the outcome of the election is not known before election day even starts. In this presidential election, one candidate seems to be ahead of the other, but it's going to come down to the final count before anyone will be able to be declared a winner.

There are also a few very important propositions on the ballot, props that have very strong advocates on both sides. Please read each proposition carefully so that you understand how it's worded so that you know exactly what a yes vote or a no vote actually means and that you don't accidentally vote the wrong way from what you really want because the wording is different than you thought.

For what it's worth, I'm voting no on everything except 9.

Click here if you want to see live coverage of Peeps voting. Peeps vote - and so should you!


  1. I didn't get the full effect of how brilliant this sculpture is until I looked at the close-up pictures on the website. Truly genius! And yes, I voted.

  2. Wow. That's a lot of dang peeps! I was not as colorful when I voted...except for my underwear. ;)
