Thursday, November 27, 2008

looking at the good things

There is lots of uncertainty in the world right now, with a new president shortly to take office and the economy taking a hit. Everyone also has professional and personal problems that might be occupying their time and energy as well. I'm not immune to such things, and I've got various concerns and issues that are troubling me. But in the midst of all that, there is much to be grateful for.

I have two friends who have in recent months been diagnosed with potentially life-threatening but definitely life-changing diseases. That is definitely not something to be thankful for. But what I am thankful for is that their prognoses look good.

The male friend is the one who has the disease that looks like it's going to take the most treatment to control/cure. He's been off work since early September, and it looks like he probably won't be able to go back to work until late 2009 at the earliest. He definitely has a fairly involved regimen to deal with ahead of him, but he knows what to expect, and he sounds really good. Obviously, there are going to be good and bad days, but he's also got two trips planned for next year - one to Washington D.C. for the presidential inauguration and one to Walt Disney World in Florida. He has an amazing support system, so I know he's being well taken care of. He doesn't live local to me, so there's not much I can offer him by way of physical assistance, but I'm grateful that he keeps me updated on his progress, and that he calls me to tell me good news and happy things and also when he's not so happy and needing a lift. I also know that he's happy to hear from me when I contact him. I'm grateful that he's giving me the opportunity to offer what support and assistance I can for him.

The female friend has the disease that is potentially less severe, though she's undergoing rounds of treatment as well. Tests are coming back good so far, and hopefully, the treatment will ensure no reoccurrence or spreading of her disease. I'm a little more worried about her because her support system isn't nearly as good. She's always put other people's wants and needs ahead of hers, and I'm concerned that she's still doing that now, so I'm trying my best to get her to focus more on herself. But I'm grateful that she's keeping me updated and that she's letting me give her whatever support I can. She does live local to me, so I'm trying to walk the line between making sure she knows that I'm available if she needs something and not being too pushy or intrusive.

Those are the two situations which have been most severe, but that doesn't lessen any of the other issues that other friends have had to deal with. Some have had their own personal health issues, some are dealing with health issues of loved ones, some are dealing with the loss of loved ones, some are dealing with troubled situations involving loved ones, and some are just dealing with situations in their lives that are troubling. I'm thankful that in many of those cases, they have chosen to share the situations with me and have allowed me to lend what assistance I can. I know that I sometimes have trouble asking others for help or feeling like I don't want to take up their time by telling them my problems. I guess it doesn't occur to me that others might have those same feelings. I know what it can take to share something about yourself, so I'm grateful that in a lot of situations, I have been entrusted with information that isn't necessarily breaking news worthy to the world but is important nevertheless to the person imparting the information. I'm thankful that they have chosen to let me be a part of their lives, not just in fun and frivolous times, but also when things get a little tougher.

And then we get to the other side. I am so very grateful for the friends I have, who do so much to enrich my life in so many different ways. The only detrimental effect is that I have so much fun being with them that I'm completely distracted at work because I'd much rather be having fun with my friends than working! I am blessed to have friends who accept me for who I am, even when who I am isn't the nicest person or the most understanding person, friends who know my faults and still choose to spend time with me. I am grateful to have friends that, when I'm going through a bad time, know when I might just need a hug or an understanding ear, or know that I just need a good time out to let me forget about my troubles for a while. And best of all, no matter what I need, I can still go to the same friends for that.

I am thankful that this year, I have become better friends with people I've known previously but hadn't spent that much time with. And in one particular instance, I am grateful for having made a friend in a most unexpected way. I am not one to make friends easily. I am a bit of a recluse, hermit, outcast, outsider in many situations, and I generally keep to the people I know. But this year, someone made an overture to me, and I was lucky enough to know to accept it, and a friendship has blossomed there that I would never have expected. It's a bit unconventional in that I've only ever met her twice in person since she doesn't live locally, but I really enjoy the interaction that I have with her, and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) having the friendship grow.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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