Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Desperate Housewives" - November 9, 2008 and November 16, 2008 episodes

November 9, 2008 episode

Lynette had seen Anne (Porter's friend's mom) come out of the band rehearsal location, so she thinks that Tom is having an affair with her. When Tom comes home, Lynette confronts him and tells him that she followed him and knows everything. Thinking she means about Porter and "some girl", Tom's non-chalant attitude and "boys will be boys" feeling completely throws Lynette for a loop, but it's not until Porter himself returns home that Lynette asks if he's really sleeping with Anne, which is when Tom realizes who the "some girl" really is. They want Porter to break it off, but Porter says he loves her, and she's afraid of her abusive husband. He finally reluctantly agrees to call it off. Lynette runs into Anne at a PTA meeting, and she ends up confronting Anne, who says she loves Porter, but Lynette threatens her.

When Porter meets with Anne to break it off, Anne has news - she's pregnant. Lynette tries to make Porter understand that someday, he'll meet someone he really loves, but she doesn't know that Porter is planning to run away with Anne.

Bree discovers that one of her employees has stolen money (she finds out it was to pay for marijuana), so she fires him. She and Orson end up having sex in the work kitchen. The fired employee steals the surveillance CD and is blackmailing Bree for money to get it back. Bree authorizes Andrew to do whatever he needs to do to get it back, which he does, but he then shows Bree and Orson that it's not them on the CD - it's Katherine and Mike instead. Bree takes the CD to Katherine and gives it to her, which embarrasses Katherine. Bree questions the appropriateness of Katherine's relationship with Mike since Susan is one of Katherine's oldest friends, but Katherine says Susan broke up with Mike and she even has a new boyfriend. Bree says that women just don't do that to each other and wants her to be careful. So I'm thinking, really, women don't do that to each other? Since when? Women steal other women's men all the time, even women they know. It's usually the men who have the "bros before hos" rule. I liked Andrew's line about never eating anything that comes out of that kitchen again.

Susan and Jackson start over again, and he reveals that he's not just a house painter, but that he's an actual painter and has just hit a block. Susan wants them to just get to know each other and insists that they not have sex until the fourth date. Jackson's sexual frustration drives him to paint again, and Susan is touched to find out that Jackson has painted her, in a portrait with an expression when she's sad and haunted, something she tries to hide from people, and she apologizes for thinking he didn't know her very well.

Karen and her sister Roberta are investigating Dave, and Roberta finds from his phone bills that he gets calls from and calls back near the beginning of every month a particular number. She has tracked this number to a hospital in Boston and specifically, to a particular psychiatrist who specializes in treating the criminally insane. It's still weird seeing Lily Tomlin as Roberta.

Carlos is dismayed that Gabrielle has become very chummy with Virginia, the older rich lady from the Country Club. Gabrielle is enjoying having the luxuries again, and they even stay the weekend at Virginia's mansion. However, Virginia gets more and more demanding when it comes to the two kids, and Gabrielle finally orders Virginia to leave them alone. Virginia retaliates by getting Carlos fired.

Dave has arranged for the band to participate in a Battle of the Bands competition at a local club.

November 16, 2008 episode

The show starts with the band during "Battle of the Bands" on stage, which becomes ablaze with fire. Rewind to the events leading up to that moment.

Susan is excited that Julie is coming back to visit, and she's bringing her new boyfriend, Lloyd, but Susan is upset when she discovers that Lloyd is much older than Julie, that he was Julie's professor, and that he's been married three times before. Playing Lloyd is none other than Steven Webber. Wow, that was a surprise.

Playing father and daughter? No - playing lovers.

Yes, there's a quite a number of years between them. 29 years to be exact. They actually share the same birthday, 29 years apart. Coincidentally enough, I share that birthday with them as well, though I am much closer in age to Steven Webber than Andrea Bowen. OK, tangent done.

Gabrielle returns home to find Virginia sitting with Carlos. She has arranged for Carlos to get his job back, and she has put Carlos and Gabrielle down as her sole heirs, so they let her back into their lives. Virginia bullies Gabrielle into letting her come along to the club to hear Carlos' band, but when Virginia insists that the girls go to a particular school, Gabrielle puts her foot down and says that as their mother, SHE gets to decide that. Virginia says that since she's making such a financial investment, she should have some say, and Gabrielle says that she can keep her money, but she's not giving up her daughters to Virginia. Yeah, ok, so bravo to Gabrielle for finally choosing her family over money, but I don't like how far down that road she was willing to go.

Bree has an interview with a national magazine and is nervous, especially when Andrew shows her the writer's previous articles which are basically hatchet jobs. She tries to present the perfect picture, but the writer digs up all the dirt in Bree's life instead. When Bree makes a final plea that her book is about rising above the challenges each person faces and how making the perfect dish can be the accomplishment and hope a woman is waiting for, the writer decides to take that angle instead.

Parker tells Lynette that Porter is planning to run away with Anne. She goes to confront Anne, who admits that she wants to be with Porter, but when she says that she's pregnant with Porter's baby, her husband walks in, having overheard. The husband gets Lynette to leave, even as Anne is pleading with her eyes for Lynette to stay. Lynette gets to her car before an attack of conscience hits her, and she goes back, to find the husband beating and kicking Anne. Lynette throws something at him to make him stop and threatens to call the police, but he says that Anne will then be prosecuted for statutory rape. He leaves, and Lynette goes to Anne, who is bleeding but thankful that Lynette came back. Lynette takes her to the hospital, where Porter shows up shortly after, but when he sees what happened to Anne, he takes off.

At the club, Susan spills to Julie that Lloyd is going to propose to her, which upsets Lloyd because he wanted it to be a surprise. Julie says they've only been together three months and declines his proposal since she never wants to get married anyway. When Susan approaches her later to ask why, she says that she sees what Susan has gone through and doesn't see the point in getting married, and Susan tells her she needs to open herself up to love and that she's too young to be that cynical about love.

Meanwhile, Karen and Roberta have been snooping around and had called Dave's doctor, but while he didn't reveal any information, he did find out from them that Dave is in Fairview, which causes him concern, enough to make a visit himself. Dave is surprised to see him but tells him everything is ok and that he'll explain after the show. The doctor is even more alarmed, though, when he finds out that Mike is in the band with Dave. The doctor insists on speaking to Mike, even though Dave says they've worked things out, but Dave finally agrees, and he leads the doctor to a storage closet. OK, the doctor saw Dave sitting at a table with a bunch of guys, all wearing the same shirt as Dave - wouldn't he figure that's the band? And that one of those guys is Mike? Why would Mike be in a storage closet? The doctor's stupidity or lack of paying attention costs him his life as Dave kills him in the closet. He then sets a fire to cover the murder. But you figure when they do the investigation, they're going to figure out that this particular person died before the fire (since he was already dead, he wouldn't have inhaled smoke into his lungs), and it shouldn't be that hard to figure out who he is and that he's connected to Dave.

Anne's husband is the person who runs the club, and Porter comes in to confront him, with Lynette having to break up their fight. After Lynette and Porter go out the emergency exit, the husband orders the door to be locked. The husband later accuses Porter of having set the fire, which Lynette finds to be plausible since he and Parker had set fire to the restaurant of the guy who was hitting on Lynette.

When the fire breaks out, everyone tries to leave, but when they get to the emergency exit, they can't get out. Dave breaks a window and helps everyone out. Jackson had gone to the restroom right before everything happened, and Dave had locked him in the restroom. OK, so why does the restroom have a lock on the outside? Susan notices that Jackson hasn't come out and goes to look for him. Mike stops her, but when she tells him about Jackson, Mike goes back to look for him, not knowing that Jackson has gotten out by breaking a window. When Mike reaches the restroom, he succumbs to the smoke and passes out. Jackson comes out and meets up with Susan, but when she asks about Mike, he says he didn't see him. Dave comes out, and Susan says Mike is still in there. Dave rushes back in and later emerges with Mike. As he puts Mike on a gurney, he whispers to him that he's not done with him yet. Dave is the hero of the day.

One funny thing I realized is that James Denton, who plays Mike, is actually a member of a band, Band from TV. He is listed as playing guitar and not a singer, but I'm presuming he actually did sing his own stuff during the episode.

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