Sunday, November 16, 2008

"90210" - October 28, 2008 and November 4, 2008 and November 11, 2008 episodes

October 28, 2008 episode

The homecoming dance is fast approaching, and Dixon asks Silver, but she says she's not interested in phony things like that, so Dixon feigns disinterest as well. Ethan also asks Annie, and the two agree to meet up "accidentally" at the dance. OK, don't people ask for dates to homecoming much more ahead of time than say, oh, THE DAY BEFORE like Dixon and Ethan did?

Adrianna is in rehab after having overdosed, and her pleas to Naomi apologizing and asking Naomi to call or visit go ignored. Adrianna does get a visitor, but it's Navid, whose phone Adrianna commandeers to text Naomi again. She then later asks Navid to bring Naomi to see her.

Meanwhile, Naomi invites Annie to her house where she and other girls will be preparing to attend homecoming together, and Annie accepts and then tells Ethan about it. Naomi then later sees them dancing together very closely. Naomi tells Annie that she wants to be her friend, and she knows she can't control who Ethan dates, but Naomi can't be her friend if Annie is dating Ethan. However, Annie can't stay away from Ethan.

Naomi gets detention for the rest of the year for her part in lying about Adrianna's drugs, and there, she meets mysterious Ozzie.

There's a whole thing about Annie taking her driver's license test.

Silver had her wisdom teeth taken out earlier that day, so Dixon is over taking care of her. When Annie calls to check on her, she ends up telling Silver that Dixon loves things like homecoming, so Silver arranges for them to go late and tells him not to be afraid to tell her the truth. OK, so I guess her drugs worked really well, because all her pain and loopiness went away pretty fast. OK, except when she flinched when he kissed her. But still.

When Tabitha wonders why Debbie is putting up with Tracy's shenanigans, she even ends up complimenting Debbie, much to Debbie's surprise. Debbie then decides she's been too nice and confronts Tracey with very pointed words and threats of bodily harm. That was funny.

Adrianna ends up crashing the dance to see Naomi. Naomi says it hurts too much to be her friend and have to watch what she's doing to herself, but after Naomi and Annie talk more about what being a friend means, Naomi helps Navid to intervene when Adrianna decides to go back to her drug dealer, and the two of them escort Adrianna back to rehab.

Ryan finds out that Kimberly is involved in drugs, and when he goes to Harry about it, they have to tell Ryan that Kimberly is an undercover office so Ryan won't make more of a fuss and blow her cover. After finding out she's not a student after all, Ryan doesn't have the dilemma of having feelings for a student and kisses her.

November 4, 2008 episode

Harry and Debbie tell Dixon and Annie about his other son, but he says he doesn't want it to affect them at all. They don't take the news well. Tracy has told Naomi too. Ethan and Annie decide that they will keep their dating quiet for the moment. Kimberly and Ryan definitely have to keep their dating a secret.

Because of Kelly's imminent return, Silver decides to enjoy her last nights in the house and decides to have a slumber party, inviting Annie, Adrianna and Naomi. The boys end up crashing the party, as do many other people, and a full-blown party ensues.

Ozzie shows up, and Naomi flirts with him a lot. Naomi also almost catches Ethan and Annie making out in a room, but Silver manages to run interference.

Navid and Adrianna are in another room making out, but since Navid paid for her rehab, she thinks he expects sex in return, which she is fine to oblige, but he's shocked and hurt when he realizes that's what she thinks he wants and expects. Adrianna finds Navid the next day at school and apologizes and explains that she's used to people using her. They reconcile and end up as a couple.

Annie ends up drinking way too much and gets sick, and when Harry is summoned to break up the party, he finds her in a bad way, and she tells him that she is affected by the news of his son and that she's mad at him, which he understands.

The next day, drug dealer George tells Ryan that he wants back on the lacrosse team and uses as blackmail his having seen Kimberly getting into Ryan's car during the party. So as not to blow Kimberly's cover, Harry puts Ryan on a paid leave of absence. Ryan gets all indignant, but really, it was a stupid thing to do. They weren't that far from the party. They didn't think someone coming out of the party might see them together?

Naomi is flirting with Ozzie again, but she's completely stunned when she ends up seeing Annie and Ethan kissing in a classroom.

When I first watched this episode on the night it was broadcast, the ending I thought happened was that Barack Obama was elected Student Body President of West Beverly Hills High School. This episode was broadcast on election night, and I was surprised they were going to show it, but I figured it was counterprogramming. But then, repeatedly during the show, they broke in to interrupt when the presidency was called for Obama, when McCain gave his concession speech, and then the entire end of the episode was scrapped when Obama gave his speech. OK, channel 5, if you were going to cover the election, why didn't you just pre-empt this episode or reschedule it for another night? And if you were going to go ahead with the show, why then interrupt parts of it for election news? is covering the election, so if people want election coverage, they have billions of places to go. If in the midst of all that, people are actually watching this show, that means they don't want election coverage, so why are you breaking in and interrupting the show for election coverage? If they're watching your channel instead of the election coverage on the other channels, it means they actually want to watch this show. You could have just run a chyron to announce Obama's election or just aired the show as is. People were watching this channel for a reason. I had to watch the episode online to see everything that happened that I missed. I'm glad they at least have that available.

November 11, 2008 episode

George the drug dealer tells everyone about Ryan and Kimberly so the sordid rumours and tales fly. Kelly returns and is dismayed to hear about the rumours, moreso when Ryan can't clarify what's going on. Kimberly finally busts the lead drug dealer, and Kelly goes to Ryan to say that things will blow over, but Ryan says he's leaving for a while. When Kelly asks to see him when he returns, Kimberly shows up, and Kelly takes her leave, with Ryan and Kimberly kissing. Nope, Kelly, sorry, you had your chance. Dylan's still not available, but now, neither is Ryan. I guess that means Ryan and Kimberly are out of the show. I liked Ryan, but I couldn't stand Kimberly.

Annie had decided to tell Naomi about her and Ryan, but when Naomi plays up the drama in her life, Annie can't bear to, and Naomi just continues to play both Annie and Ethan, telling Ethan that Annie can't stop talking about her ex-boyfriend Jason. Naomi surreptiously invites and flies in Jason for Annie's sweet 16 party. She also arranges a dinner for Dixon and Silver and Ethan and her and Annie and Jason so they can all get to know Jason better, which makes Ethan and Annie really uncomfortable.

So for the entire episode, Naomi no longer has her curly hair but instead has straight hair, and no one comments on it! With her hair like that, she looks *so* much like Tracy.

Adrianna goes by Navid's house and ends up meeting his entire extended family, who are very welcoming to her. There's a bit of awkwardness when his mother asks how she is after rehab (and she asked nicely just as a matter-of-fact question), but Adrianna later tells Navid that the question was ok, especially since they paid for it, and she was happy that they treated her so nicely even though they knew about rehab the whole time. Navid was a bit embarassed about his family, but has he met Adrianna's mother? No wonder she likes his family so much! And who knew that he lived in such a mansion? Wow!

Annie finds out that Jason still wants to be with her, but she puts an end to that hope. At Annie's sweet 16 party, she and Ethan make up after their fight earlier, and Naomi sees them kissing again. Hurt that her plan to keep them apart didn't work, she then brings Jason over to see them, and she then takes him to bed, with Ethan and Annie walking in on them right in the middle. Naomi admits to having set up Annie the entire time, and the two of them are having it out with each other in front of the house (that was a great verbal catfight, btw) when they're interrupted by the arrival of Sean - who declares that he is Harry's and Tracy's son.

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