Friday, October 17, 2008

Are those lobsters in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

We were at the mall last Sunday when I heard a snippet of a news story on a television we were passing. Something about a man stuffing lobsters in his pockets in an attempt to steal them, and he was discovered because he had "odd bulges" in his pants.

Here's the story. The story is entirely too short, with very little information. I have lots of questions.

I'm kinda wondering why the lobsters were in a marine conservation area. I wouldn't think lobsters are an endangered species.

He's been cited for poaching on four previous occasions. I want to know what he tried to steal the other times.

I want to know how big the lobsters were. He had SIX of them stuffed in his pants. Was he wearing cargo pants? Were they tiny lobsters? Were they actually crawfish instead?

And why don't lobsters in the San Diego area have pinchers?

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