Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Traitor" - spoiler movie review

I'd seen the one-sheets for "Traitor", and I don't think I ever saw a trailer for the film, but the husband was interested, and then I heard a radio spot, which sounded interesting.

I knew that the movie was going to be a thriller of sorts, but I had no idea that it was going to be quite so political, which isn't usually my style of movie. If I had known, I might not have been as interested in going. There were a lot of twists in the plots, and sometimes, I had trouble keeping up or figuring out who was doing what to whom and with whom, but ultimately, I'm glad I saw the film, because Don Cheadle was incredible. This might just get him another Academy Award nomination.

What I found most interesting was the portrayal of a devout Muslim who actually knows Islam and who knows that the senseless killing goes against what the Koran teaches. He abhors the killings that are being made in the name of Islam, and ultimately, he betrays those who are using his faith to further their own agendas. He does have to choose the lesser of two evils and ends up allowing a busload of passengers to be killed in a bomb explosion, but it's only one bus as opposed to 30 or so.


  1. I'm really curious about this one, although I doubt I'll get a chance to see it before it hits DVD.

    Based on everything I've heard about the film, I still find it amazing that it was co-written by Steve Martin.

  2. Actually, it wasn't co-written by Steve - he came up with the original concept and told it to the producer he was working with at the time, and it went from there. He's credited as an Executive Producer on the film, but that's probably not much more than a vanity credit.

    Here's the official site with more info about the development of the film:
