Friday, September 19, 2008

Summer Olympics on Tatooine, Winter Olympics on Hoth?

OK, so the Olympics were a little while ago, but recently, the husband showed me this particular strip, which I thought was just too damned funny. (OK, the link comes up a bit odd, but if you scroll down, the strip seems to be there.)

ETA: OK, that's weird, no one else seems to be able to see it, but I can, even though I'm not a paid subscriber. Anyway I'm including the picture here.

When I posted the link on twitter a few weeks ago, @JRBooth came back with this perfect response: "....not surprisingly, a dismal 1.3 score from the Alderaanian judge..."


  1. Just to let you know, the link is only available to those with a paid subscription to that site.

  2. That's what I thought too, but I don't have a paid subscription, and while I see the thing about it's past 30 days and sign in here, I still see the comic if I scroll down. Can no one else?

  3. OK, that's weird. I've included the strip on the actual post now. Thanks for letting me know about the problems.
