Thursday, August 7, 2008

Paris for President (that's just a subject title, not a show of support on my part)

I heard the story on the radio the other day that John McCain had made some kind of political ad claiming that Barack Obama was more of a celebrity than a candidate for president, and there were comparisons made between Obama and celebrities like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

Here's the ad.

Well, even though Paris Hilton's mother Kathy is a McCain supporter, Paris apparently didn't appreciate her image being used in this manner. The folks at approached her about making a rebuttal ad, and she readily agreed. Here's more information about how that all came about.

Now, I normally don't much care what Paris Hilton is doing. I don't idolize her, like some do, and I don't hate her, like some do. She's had a very privileged life, and I wish she'd use/used that position to do more good, but that's a personal choice. She behaves in ways I don't condone and does things I don't agree with, but I can certainly see how pretty she is and what a great body she has (the two things she seems to be most known for), and I actually liked her Burger King ad - it was fun and sexy - what's not to like?

But at least she seems to have some semblance of humour about herself, because the rebuttal ad is damn funny. Here's her declaration of candidacy.

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad
An ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign. Paid for by Funny Or Die.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

And in case the embedded video doesn't work, here's the link to the video.

I think the ad is very cleverly written, and she pulls it off perfectly. Of course, it probably doesn't hurt that I'm not a fan of McCain's (the thought of a McCain presidency actually concerns/scares me), so I figure, if she takes him down a notch, that's fine. His ad depicting Obama as just some kind of shallow celebrity was uncalled for. As far as I could see from the shots in the ad, it just shows how popular Obama is, and if he's not just some stodgy politician, all the better. Heck, Bill Clinton was hob-nobbing with celebs, and no one seemed to hold that against him. I'm not a cheerleader for Obama either, but if we're going to decide on the next president of the United States, let's base it on issues and positions, not which celebrities they might or might not be hanging out with.


  1. You are absolutely right on! I am so tired of the direction that presidential campaigns have taken. The whole mud slinging, dirt digging doesn't address the issues and all it does is make the candidate look bad himself. I love the Paris video though.

  2. yet again Paris is using events to give herself another PR boost... she's a thinker alright
