Monday, August 25, 2008

"The Big Bang Theory" - television show - thoughts on the end of the first season

This is the second of the three shows from last season that I'm still going to write about even though the season finale was months ago.

There was a show where Howard and the boys had figured out a way to remotely control various devices in Leonard's and Sheldon's apartment via a circuitious route on the internet. I laughed when the experiment worked and the theme music from "2001" blared while the boys jumped around like the monkeys.

The main story was about a conference that wanted Sheldon and Leonard to present a paper on their findings, but Sheldon didn't want to go, so Leonard was going to go without him. Penny was in Leonard's room with him, trying to figure out what he might have that would be appropriate to wear. Penny pulled out something and asked what it was. Leonard said it was an original "Battlestar Galactica" battle suit. Oh my goodness! I think I love Leonard.

The rest of the story was ok, with some good moments, but I love the running joke from the movie "Scanners" about being able to blow up other people's heads just by thinking hard enough. I've never seen the movie, but I like the gesture - I've actually used it a couple of times since.

The next episode was centered around Penny's performance in a "Rent" showcase and how awful she was in it, but Leonard didn't want to tell her the truth and hurt her feelings. The episode started out with a discussion about the new terminator show and how could you possibly have a hot terminator. That all made me laugh, and of course they'd be watching it!

I loved the scene where they'd put the bag of chicken wholesale into the trash, and then they had to decide whether to take it back out.

The episode after that surrounded how horrible Sheldon is when he's sick and how no one wants to be around him. That was pretty funny.

The next episode was about a 15-year-old Korean genius boy (Dennis) who Sheldon felt threatened by. I loved Leonard's comment directed to Sheldon about Dennis that it was "like looking into an obnoxious little mirror".

The next episode was about a physics bowl where Sheldon was being so obnoxious and overbearing that he was kicked off the team and replaced with Leslie. Sheldon then created his own team, but he really just needed warm bodies since he was giving all the answers. In the end, Sheldon lost to Leonard.

In the next episode, Leonard thought he was buying a miniature time machine, and he talked Sheldon, Howard and Raj into chipping in money to buy the piece ($200 each), but when he got it, it turned out to be anything but a miniature - it was actually life size, and they decided to keep it in Leonard's and Sheldon's living room. There were some really funny dream sequences and interaction amongst the boys in that show.

The next episode was stellar, introducing Sheldon's hot twin (fraternal) sister Missy from Texas. I loved that she referred to him as "Shelly" and told that he had imaginary colleagues when he was little. Raj had taken part in a drug experiment that gave him the ability to speak to women, and the side effects with his arm/hand movements were really funny. Raj, Howard and Leonard all fought over Missy, so Penny rescued her, and Leonard tried to manipulate Sheldon to get the other two to back off. At one point, Howard asked why Sheldon objected to him courting Missy - "Is it cause I'm Jewish cause I'd kill a rabbi with a pork chop to be with your sister". Too frickin' funny!

The best line, though, was when Sheldon was razzing Leonard for being lactose intolerant and offered him a date with Missy if he could eat a piece of cheese, the latter part of which Missy overheard, so when she dragged Sheldon into his bedroom, she said, "and I don't even want to know why you're pimping me out for a piece of cheese".

There was a good resolution to the show as well. Leonard ended up winning the right to date Missy, but when he asked, she turned him down. Howard took a try, but he struck out as well. Raj then stepped up, but just as he was about to say something, his meds ran out, rendering him incapable of making more than just unintelligible sounds at her. Shame too, because Missy would have accepted a date with him!

The next episode centered around Leonard's birthday and how he'd never had a party before, and Penny wanted to throw him a surprise party. When Sheldon didn't want to help, she threatened to write on a mint-condition comic of his - Penny's definitely learned what makes them tick. Penny was then surprised that Sheldon wasn't getting a gift for Leonard, but when Howard coached her to tell him that gift-giving was a "non-optional social convention", Sheldon gave in. Penny ended up with the task of taking Sheldon shopping for Leonard's present, but Sheldon ended up pretty much taking over the computer store. Howard also made the ultimate sacrifice in his need to delay Leonard by chomping down on peanuts - which he was allergic to.

The last episode had Sheldon and Howard trying to learn mandarin (with a "billion new people to annoy"), with Sheldon intent on finding out if the tangerine chicken that they were getting was instead actually orange chicken, which was what he suspected. He figured if he could speak the language, then he could catch them in their scam. Hilarity ensued when he thought he was saying the right words but instead was making non-sensical comments to people.

And in the big story, Penny broke up with her boyfriend and ended up agreeing to go out with Leonard. I was a little surprised that this development happened in the first season, and I'm a little concerned about how they're going to further develop that in the second season. For this kind of thing, the chase is usually the fun, and once the chase is over, they fall into a rut. I'd hate for that to happen in this case. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the show in the new season though.

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