Monday, July 14, 2008

What better way to celebrate the French than with Canadians?

In honor of Bastille Day, I thought I'd introduce Monique to those yet unfamiliar with her.

I was made aware of Monique many years ago. I was working for a lawyer at the time, and he kept referring to a "reluctant executive" sketch done by The Kids in the Hall, and he likened our relationship to theirs. He managed to capture the sketch on video one day and brought it in for me to watch. We showed that tape to many of our co-workers, who all enjoyed it as much as we did.

So, without further ado, meet Monique.

There are so many amazing moments in that sketch, and to think, it was during an episode in the first season of their show. I think my favorite line is "everyone is so flammable". I also love Monique's indignation when the assistant puts out the trashcan fire, not to mention when Monique is about to set fire to the second piece of paper handed to her, and the assistant uses the fire extinguisher and knocks the paper out of her hands.

In watching the clip again, I realized there's a continuity error, so there must have been more than one take. When Monique first comes into the room, she shuts the door behind her. When we cut back to her as she's setting his coat on fire, the door is wide open. Or maybe she has magical powers because she's from France.

Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé

1 comment:

  1. You can't fire me. I'm from France.

    Love it, love it, love it!

