Tuesday, July 8, 2008

single, hot and available - ladies, act now

I heard about this story on the radio last week. It is supposedly real. I just think it's really funny. Here's what the entry on the youtube video says. I'm posting it verbatim so grammar errors are *not* mine. ;)

Okay guys here is the info on this voicemail. One of my friend's from work and her friend were out one night in the SF Marina district and were hanging outside of the bars trying to find a cab. One of the girl's, Olga ends up meeting this guy Dmitri and they talk for at the most 2 minutes. She hands him her business card and says call me.

Well attached is the actual voicemail that this guy left her.

There are actually two voicemails, a couple of days apart. It's completely worth listening to it all the way through. The visuals added by whomever are generally just ok, but every once in a while, they hit it dead on. I did find myself literally laughing out loud at the visual accompaniment once or twice.

Can I just say that if you ever feel the need to utter the words "I'm a complete catch", and you're not quoting someone or saying it totally in jest but actually believe in what you're saying, then you really need to get a new mirror.


  1. I find it so hard to believe that somebody hasn't snapped Dmitri right up. Maybe I could get his number and give it Savannah. Mmmm...


  2. OMFG that is HYSTERICAL.

    Narcissistic much?

    I'm sure Olga's crying in her soup that he's never gonna call again. So gracious of him to give her an out like, if her mom's dying of cancer. Because that's pretty much the only reason a smart elegant girl like her would turn him down...
