Sunday, July 20, 2008

Silent Library

I was left an anonymous comment on a previous blog entry about crazy Japanese game shows in which I was directed to look up "silent library" on YouTube. Actually, I was told to "youtube 'silent library'", but even though I seriously object to the use of youtube as a verb (Yeah, I know, I did that with twitter, but that's different.), I actually did as was suggested, and I happened upon a treasure trove of videos.

It does not appear that these are actual television shows, though maybe that's where it originated, and these are just how the phenomenon has propagated. The point is that people get together in a place like a library, where you're supposed to be quiet, and they do things that are wacky in and of themselves, but in addition, they have to not react vocally because of the environment, so no yelling, screaming, laughing. You'll notice that a lot of them often have their hands over their mouths to stifle their sounds.

This is the one I've found to be the best so far.

As you can tell, they weren't so much all that quiet. I love the slapping machine one. Who comes up with that sort of idea, and how do you "smuggle" that sort of contraption into a library? Everything else is small ticket items you can hide in a backpack.

Here's one that was done at UCR, which I'm assuming is U.C. Riverside. They use a hidden camera, and there's one part where some kind of patrol is in the room, so they just sit there doing nothing, but it's worth waiting it out.

Here's one done in the Netherlands.

Here's one done in Ontario, Canada, which is really good.

Here's one done in Reno.

I would totally be into doing a silent library as long as I was willing to be subjected to all of the possible punishments. Some of those are things I would definitely never agree to. But I have a feeling I might lose and get kicked out pretty quickly. Suppressing uncontrollable laughter is not my forte.

1 comment:

  1. We used to have a lot of trouble keeping our laughter stifled when we sang at St. James. It was even more difficult because we were at the front of the church. We weren't inflicting physical pain, though. We did hide behind our music a LOT. Ah, the good old days!

    That last one looks like it was in a garage, so maybe they were trying to keep quiet at someone's parents' house?

    How DID they get all of that stuff into the library in the first one without anyone noticing?!

    College kids are crazy.
