Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I got these flowers delivered to me at work yesterday. Totally unexpected. Aren't they beautiful? It's a nice combination of complementary reds, and I'm not sure you can tell from the picture, but it's a fairly huge arrangement. The roses smell wonderful. It's not in an ordinary vase either, but rather, a sort of wooden treasure chest. All together, it's pretty heavy.

Here's a picture of the back so you can see the chest.

I wish I could enjoy the beautiful arrangement more, and I would ... if they had been sent to me by someone I actually knew.

The flowers were sent to me by another employee who works at the same company I do, who also proferred an invitation to lunch, all pretty much as a thank you for my continuing assistance on a matter. But it seems overly done for a simple thank-you, especially since I really didn't do anything more than I would for any other employee, so I feel weird accepting something like this, but I can't very well return the flowers. I did send an email to the employee with a thank you for the flowers and declining the invitation. The flowers are sitting in the lobby of our department for everyone to enjoy because 1) the arrangement is so big that there really isn't anywhere for it to fit in my office, 2) I still feel really weird accepting it so don't really feel comfortable having it in my office, and 3) in my office, not many people could enjoy them, so at least with them out in the lobby, they can be appreciated by anyone who walks by. But, at least one consequence that I've been made aware of is that there's apparently gossip going around about who sent me such an amazing arrangement of flowers and why aren't they in my office and why am I leaving it in the lobby instead. Drama I so don't need or want.


  1. Those are really pretty, and some are in your favorite color, too! Still, I'd feel uncomfortable, too...especially with the gossip drama.

  2. that's a gorgeous bouquet!

    Puyallup florist

  3. People were hassling me today about not taking the flowers home. They can't understand why I don't want them, and besides, even if I *did* want them, I couldn't take them home anyway - Orkid would just see it as a salad. Most don't understand why I'm not gloating over having received the flowers - I'm sorry, I still think it was inappropriate, and while I can recognize how beautiful they are, I can't enjoy it if the circumstances aren't right.
