Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is it January 6 by any chance?

It's been a really odd day today. But a glance at my calendar indicates that it's not in fact Topsy Turvy Day.

I saw "The Incredible Hulk" on Saturday night, and I had planned on posting a review of it on Monday. But Monday came, and I hadn't had time to write it yet, and other stuff happened that I apparently felt the overwhelming need to blog about that day. OK, Tuesday it is. Then Tuesday came, and I've been super-swamped at work, and I didn't have time to write it again.

I knew I couldn't write it on Wednesday, because I had plans. The husband and I spent the entire day at Disneyland. Yeah, I know, we're there all the time, but seriously, we were there the ENTIRE DAY, and by "entire day", I mean that we got there just after park opening at 8am (it was maybe 8:10 or so when we got to the turnstiles), and we didn't leave Main Street until 12:30am that night. And we weren't just *there* the whole time, we were tourists, hard-core tourists, running back and forth in the park and doing all kinds of rides (and yes, taking as much medicine as I could to allow myself to go all day). I think the last time I was in the park for that long and doing rides the whole time was when I got my first AP back in 1997. For reasons too complicated to go into here, we took one of my nephews and one of the nephew's friends (who happened to be a girl - really, just friends) - both of whom are 14 - to Disneyland for the day. The friend is pretty familar with Disneyland, but the nephew hasn't been since he was fairly little. During the course of the day, here are the attractions we went on/to, in vague order of when we did them:

Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage (nephew hadn't been on before)
Space Mountain (using Fastpass)
Jungle Cruise
Indiana Jones show (kids hadn't seen before)
Haunted Mansion
Pirates of the Caribbean
Winnie the Pooh
Alice in Wonderland
Main Street Opera House (exhibit side and 50th film) (kids hadn't seen before)
Indiana Jones ride (using Fastpass)
Splash Mountain (using Fastpass)
Autopia (kids only)
Matterhorn (husband and kids only)
Roger Rabbit
Gadget's Go Coaster (kids and me only)
Star Tours
Buzz Lightyear (using Fastpass)
fireworks from Main Street (nephew hadn't seen before)
Fantasmic (nephew hadn't seen before)
Haunted Mansion (do-over since our first ride sucked due to mechanical problems and stupid irritating guests screaming their guts out for no reason)
Big Thunder (using Fastpass)
Mr. Toad
Snow White

Keep in mind that for all the attractions for which we used Fastpass, it also meant we had to go to the attraction earlier in the day to get the Fastpass and then return later to actually use the Fastpass, so that added to the walking. I got the Buzz fastpasses while the husband and kids were on Matterhorn, and I made a trip back to the lockers while the kids were on Autopia, and then we all made a trip to the lockers before the fireworks.

We also had the following meals:

breakfast at River Belle
lunch at Pizza Port
dinner at Rancho Del Zocalo

There was also about half an hour of shopping at the Emporium at the end of the day. As you can see, it was a *very* full day.

All in all, it was a really good day, even though it was extremely tiring, and it was quite hot out. I'm hobbling a bit today because my feet hurt so much, but everyone had a lot of fun yesterday. The nephew loved both the fireworks and Fantasmic - I could totally see him turning into a Fantasmic groupie. Both kids also seemed interested in the Opera House when we were looking at the model of Disneyland on opening day, as well as the model of the track of Space Mountain. We also looked at the ticket books exhibit for a while, and we were explaining how that all worked to them. During the course of the day, they seemed interested in that sort of thing, how Disneyland has grown and changed, and they would ask about why various things were done a certain way. We also showed them some of the hidden stuff, like the Evil Queen in Fantasyland and told them various stories of experiences that have happened to us and to friends. (Yes, I told them the "patch of honey near the Pooh ride that a kid licked" story.)

By the time we were done and had dropped off both kids at their respective homes and got home ourselves, it was close to 2am before we went to bed.

I knew today would be hard, both because I had so much fun yesterday, and all the walking around and then the lack of sleep, and then being thrown back into work and the craziness and swampiness that it currently entails. That was going to be enough to deal with. And then I got to work and found out about something that happened that really stunned me. And I can't even really figure out why exactly it stuns me so much, nor can I really talk about it on this public a forum for various reasons, but it served to really distract me all day and make it difficult for me to concentrate. So even though I was going to try to write the movie review today, that didn't happen. Today has just been so completely unlike yesterday that it's almost throwing me off-balance in a non-physical way.

So, maybe tomorrow, I'll be able to write about the Big Green Guy.


  1. I miss those must-do-everything Disneyland days. Well, sometimes. Okay, around once a year or so.

    Sounds like you had a great time!

  2. Lickage of fake honey. Eeeewwwww.
