Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

OK, first, a disclosure. I didn't make up the blurb that I'm using as the title of this entry. I saw it on a website that I read, and it took me a second to figure it out, but once I did, I loved it.

OK, so I've had a few Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moments in the last couple weeks:

Situation 1

This has been going on for a couple of months now, but the component parts have just escalated. Now, people who know me well will know that I do not suffer fools easily. But sometimes, when the fools are people I have to deal with because of work, I have to suffer them more than in non-work situations. Screaming at someone, whether on the phone or over email, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?" is not something that I can do at work. It's taking everything I've got to maintain a professional demeanor with this person ("A"), and I've already decided that I'm keeping all my interaction via email only. With email, I can wait until I've calmed down before I respond, and I can edit and re-edit my response before sending it. I'm not confident that I'll have the same self-control on the phone.

strike one

There had been some discussion on a particular document I was working on as there had been several drafts. When asked for the latest, I sent through a July draft. "A" references an October draft of the document, that the October draft must be the most current, and can I confirm the terms of the document. I reiterate that the July draft is more current and explain the circumstances of how it arose. "A" again responds that the October draft must be most current, and "A" just needs me to confirm the terms. Pissed off beyond all belief that I even have to make this distinction, I point out in no uncertain terms that while it was November 2007 at the time, the October draft was not in fact more recent than the July draft as the October draft was clearly dated October 2006 whereas the July draft was clearly dated July 2007. OH MY HECK!!!!!

strike two

With regard to a different document, "A" told me that the current annual number of 9600 is incorrect as the number had been increased, so I should use 1200 instead. I responded to say that we're using annual amounts, not monthly, so I need the annual amount. "A" again responded that it should be 1200. I asked one more time if "A" was sure that the number had been decreased from 9600 to 1200 or whether "A" really meant 12000. "A" responded that oh yeah, "A" meant 12000. OH MY DOUBLE HECK!!!!!

strike three (and you're out)

Regarding a different annual number, "A" said that the current 3600 is incorrect and should be 2600 instead. I responded to ask if "A" was sure about that since 3600 had been what's been used in all other similar situations. "A" responded that yes, it's 2600. Another person asked if it shouldn't be 3600 since the monthly number is 300, which you multiply by 12. "A" then responded that oh, yeah, it's 3600. AAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!

Situation 2

Yesterday, I had lunch in a cafeteria-type environment. I was enjoying my soup and the book that I was reading. Random person walking by my table pointed to my book and said to me, "Where'd you get that book?" I looked at her and said, "At the bookstore." She smiled back at me and said, "Oh, yeah, the bookstore" and continued on her way.

This wasn't like a doctor's office or something where there's a corner of reading material, and someone might not know where the reading material was. And I've gotten stopped before by random strangers because they liked my shoes or my shirt or my jacket and wanted to know where I got it. That at least makes sense since particular designs are available in particular places. But a book? Aren't they pretty much available in lots of locations? OK, so maybe the local grocery store or the kiosk at the airport won't have something because they only carry a small number of books, but any large bookstore or something like Amazon would either have in stock or be able to order pretty much anything.

And I wasn't reading a rare book or a first edition or anything limited like that. It's a very popular book, so much so that even though it's not a recently-released book, I picked it up off the shelf at Borders a week ago.


  1. I point out in no uncertain terms that while it was November 2007 at the time, the October draft was not in fact more recent than the July draft as the October draft was clearly dated October 2007 whereas the July draft was clearly dated July 2006.

    July 2006 < October 2007 < November 2007? Or am I missing something?

  2. OK, I screwed myself up with the dates. I've corrected it now.

    Does it make more sense now why I was Whisky Tango Foxtrotting?
