Sunday, January 20, 2008

killer clowns (from outer space and elsewhere)

They had to actually conduct a poll to figure out that clowns are creepy? No duh. I don't think I've ever gotten the whole "clowns are fun and funny" thing. They're creepy and weird. Hasn't anyone seen "Poltergeist"? Or "It"? Heck, don't people know about Krusty the Clown?

OK, and here's my weird clown story. I used to take the 101 freeway to work, heading towards the Hollywood area. One day, in traffic, I noticed that the car in front of me had nudged the car in front of it, but it wasn't a serious crash or anything. I expected to see the two drivers get out to have a quick look, so I was just waiting until they were done and would get out of my way. And then I noticed the driver getting out of the car in front of me. It was a clown. No, seriously, it was a clown in full costume - clothes, face makeup, the works. He (I think it was a he, but who can really tell?) got out, looked at the front of his car/the back of the car in front of his, exchanged a couple words with the driver of the other car, and then they both got back in their cars and drove off.

This is one of those experiences that only happens in L.A., right?

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