Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How much is that kitty in the suitcase?

Gracie Mae has apparently used up some of her nine lives. The 10-month-old tabby cat snuck into her owner's suitcase and made the plane trip from Florida to Texas undetected. A stranger mistakenly picked up the wrong suitcase and had a surprise when he was unpacking at home and the cat jumped out. The cat has been returned to its owner.

Here's a picture of Gracie Mae.

And here's a link to her story.

Orkid has a habit of jumping into our bags and suitcases. I think she knows that we're going somewhere and she's not coming with us, so she makes herself comfy in the bags in protest, and she's sometimes a terror to get out. She'd never end up as a stowaway, though. We always say goodbye to her before we leave, so we'd notice. Heck, I always say goodbye to her before I leave for work in the morning, and there have been times when I've ransacked the house for 10 minutes looking for her, only to have her then suddenly appear from whatever hiding place she was sleeping in.

I need LoJack for her.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the same story on Consumerist. Watson and Linus don't try to hide in the suitcases, but they immediately jump on top of them when we get them out as if to try to stop us from packing. They seem to know that suitcases out == us gone for at least a few days.
