Thursday, December 13, 2007

What flavor pickle do you want?

OK, I love pickles. I do. I like different kinds of pickles. I generally like whole pickles, though spears can be ok. I generally prefer pickle chips on hamburgers - they're not my preferred choice for just eating pickles. I like kosher dills, I like regular ones, and I even like the butter pickles. Sweet pickles are ok but not as much my thing. I don't like pickles when they're too vinegary, but I don't like them when they're not very flavorful either. I generally like them to have a tart kick, and they need to be crispy. Soggy pickles are so not worth it. And generally, I prefer pickles cold. That keeps the crisp in.

I like pickles in my hamburgers, I like pickles in the pastrami sandwich that I get from Togo's, I like pickles in the sandwiches that I get from Subway, and I even like a pickle spear (or relish) on a hot dog. I've never had deep fried pickles. I think I'd be willing to try that.

But marinating pickles in Kool-Aid? I don't know about that. I get the sweet and sour thing (Sour Patch Kids are great, but they have to be the old ones - the newer ones aren't nearly as good), but maybe I'm just a pickle purist in that respect. I probably wouldn't be against trying it (heck, I've tried pickle-flavored potato chips), but I think it would take some getting used to.

Here's a good New York Times article about the growing popularity of Kool-Aid pickles.

Here's an article from the Dallas News that includes a recipe for making your own Kool-Aid pickles.

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