Friday, December 7, 2007

Senator John Kerry seriously needs more to do

So you're a Senator in the United States Congress. A pretty big job with a lot of responsibilities, right? There's a lot of major issues going on in the country right now. So what do you take a stand on? Football. Professional football.

Senator Kerry apparently thought that the on-going standoff between the NFL Network and major cable companies, causing several games to be unavailable to large amounts of cable subscribers, was such an important matter that he took the time to write a letter and issue a press release about it. Seriously, dude, you're a Senator, and you've got nothing better to do than say, "Come on guys, can't you just get along?" You don't think lots of people have already said that? You think adding your voice in is really going to make a difference? You think that once they got your letter, both sides were going to say, "Wow, Senator Kerry is really concerned about this. We wouldn't want to disappoint him. We haven't been able to come to terms all this time, but now, we'd better make a deal pronto." Uhh, yeah.

OK, so I was bummed that I didn't get to watch the Cowboys/Packers game. And many people are going to be bummed that they won't readily be able to watch what could potentially be the record-making game if the Patriots do manage to have an undefeated season, and their last game happens to be scheduled to be shown on the NFL Network. But as groundbreaking as it is, and as much as I love professional football, seriously, do we really need a Senator throwing in his two cents, especially when his two cents are going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and serve ABSOLUTELY NO PURPOSE other than to get his name out there? Yeah, ok, so I'm helping to perpetuate that, but since only four people are going to read this, it's not that big a deal.

Here's an article from the Baltimore Sun about the matter.

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