Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bristol Farms - where's the loan officer?

I was working late tonight, and then I had to run an errand after work, so I decided to stop into the nearby Bristol Farms to pick up some dinner. Nothing fancy - I got a lemon fried chicken breast, a side of Greek salad and a container of watermelon. Handing the cashier a $20 bill resulted in me getting a couple of coins back - and not big denomination coins either. Wow, $20 for a fairly simple dinner. Now, I will say that it was a fairly substantial chicken breast. There were no bones at all, so it was just a hefty hunk of meat - a tasty hefty hunk of meat, I might add. And I know that fresh fruit is expensive anyway, especially this time of year, especially from some place like Bristol Farms. But as much as I like to browse high-end markets like Bristol Farms (and Whole Foods Market), I can't bring myself to shop there much because the prices are just so steep. For specialty items, I think it makes more sense, or maybe for special occasions, but as a regular grocery store, it's not exactly the most affordable place to shop.

I know that banks give loans for remodeling a house or starting a business or whatever. I wonder if they give loans to help finance dinner?

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