Sunday, November 25, 2007

No wonder Spock is ashamed to acknowledge his human side

So WonderBoy JJ Abrams is working on the next Star Trek movie for Paramount, and they are actually doing the Starfleet Academy days storyline that's been bandied around for a while and which has been previously rejected repeatedly. Do Star Trek fans want to see an Academy movie? Will they accept other actors playing their favorites? How the heck are they going to work in Spock and Kirk together at the Academy without destroying the time/space continuum of canon?

I will admit that I don't know most of the people playing the characters we know. The exception is Zachary Quinto, who does a fabulous job playing Sylar on "Heroes", but I can totally see him as a great Spock. But apparently, I missed the recent announcement of who has been cast as Spock's human mother - Winona Ryder. Ummm, really? OK, I liked her back in the day (I can't even begin to remember the last film she was in), but I can't picture her playing as iconic a role as Spock's mother. She's going to step into Jane Wyatt's role as Spock's beloved mother? Maybe it's just that I'm used to seeing Winona as a young adult still, so her being a mother, and Spock's mother at that, is just something I can't fathom.

I'm invested enough in Star Trek that I know I'll go to see the movie regardless. I'll see what the trailers look like to get an idea of what to expect, but I'm not seeing Abrams as the saviour that so many other people seem to view him as.

Better have that transporter handy...

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