Wednesday, November 28, 2007


OK, someone on a discussion board that I'm on posted a link to this item. I love it! I so want one!

I do have an office at work, not a cubicle, but this would still be cool to have. Maybe it's just something I'm particular about. When I go to someone's office or desk, I try to make my presence known unobtrusively, like "hi" or something like that. That way, I've announced my presence, but it gives them a second to finish what they're doing before they can show that they're ready for me.

I'm apparently the only one who does this. It irritates me when people just walk into my office or knock on the door without first seeing if I'm 1) on the phone or 2) working on something where it might take me a few seconds to disengage. It's not like people need to make an appointment to see me or anything. They can come and talk to me pretty much at any time, except for the rare occasions when I'm in the middle of a project where I cannot be interrupted unless you're one of maybe 3 people in the company. But I'm often working on something that I'm concentrating on, and I can be interrupted, but maybe I'm in the middle of writing a sentence or doing a calculation, and I would just like two seconds to finish that up before I stop to see what someone else needs. But they either just walk right in and start talking (or worse yet, start talking about 2 seconds before they get to my office, so they're already mid-sentence by the time they're already in my office, which means they've already started talking before they can see me, so they wouldn't know if I'm on the phone or even if someone's already in my office), or they knock on my door loudly, which actually disturbs me quite a bit and I'm jolted from whatever I'm in the middle of.

A doorbell would be nice. Most people ring a doorbell and then wait. That would be perfect.

Except with my luck, because it's discreet, most people wouldn't see it. For a time, I had a sign on my door that said "Please do not knock. Thank you." Some people would knock DIRECTLY ON THE SIGN ITSELF and when I'd mention it, they didn't even notice the sign. Other people, knowing the sign is there all the time, came by at one point when I didn't have the sign up since I figured I'd made my point, and knocked because after all, there was no sign up at that particular time. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE.

In any case, here's a link to the item for anyone who might find it useful.

BTW, I love that site. I was first directed to it because they have the Periodic Table Shower Curtain that's in the bathroom of Leonard and Sheldon's apartment in "The Big Bang Theory" that the husband liked so much. I was going to get it for him, but it was out of stock, but I see that it's listed as in stock now, so maybe I'll go on a shopping spree.

They have a lot of cool stuff on that site to look at. Haven't found a t-shirt yet, though, that really jumps out at me.

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