Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who am I?

OK, so I took a few of the quizzes at

What's Your Jedi Name?

Find out what your Jedi name is at!

This one makes sense. When I want to do something, I can be pretty determined. And then there are other times that I'd rather just lie on the couch. And one of the designations I had chosen for myself previously is Jedi-in-Training, so I'm good with this. Except that I *hate* the name.

Which Pixar Character Are You?

Find out what Pixar character you are at!

This one's a little more iffy. There are very few occasions when I could ever be called a doormat. But Mike is funny, and I like him. Maybe it thinks I'm Mike because I said that I'd pick having dinner at Harryhausen's.

Which "Heroes" Character Are You?

Find out what Heroes character you are at!

At first, I was surprised, but after a little bit of thought, Niki actually makes total sense. I generally try to be a nice person, but sometimes, when things happen and the situation calls for it, I just react, and I can't help myself. Hello, Jessica!

How Totally 80s Are You?

Find out how totally 80's you are at!

Hey, I'm a child of the 80s - I had to take the test! I'm thinking it gave me that rating because I kept picking answers related to "WarGames"...

There were a bunch of other ones on the site, but I generally didn't find them that interesting. I will say that I did take the "how much of a nerd are you" quiz, but I didn't really care for the presentation. I got "mere dork", which is pretty much dead on, though I prefer and have used the label "wannabe geek" to describe myself.

Did I mention I love "WarGames"?

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